Will you celebrate with me today?

Happy Sacred Sunday!

On this Sacred Sunday, I am celebrating and filing the first success I ever had. A success I share with you, and everyone I know.

Today I celebrate the success of being born. That’s right, today is my birthday.

And did you know that the probability of being born is about 400,000,000,000,000 (400 trillion) chances to 1?

Do you realize the odds you and I beat to be here right now sharing this moment? I bet you often forget how successful you actually are. I know I do a lot.

But not today. Today is about remembering, honoring, and looking forward.

As luck would have it … I don’t have to do this alone because I share this birthday with two special women in my life.

Looking Forward

Susan Ford Collins?is my coach and mentor and has been for almost 10 years. (I didn’t realize how long it had been until I wrote this?)

But Susan also happens to be my birthday twin, only 40 years my senior. Since 2015, Susan has been guiding me and offering me a look into the kind of future I want to create. A healthy, active, purpuse-full, rich and meaningful future.

Susan is the epitome of who I want to be when i’m 85 and she inspires me every day to lead a life today that will improve my odds of getting there. Heck, I’ve beat bigger odds before so why not?!??(Beat the odds of being born, did you get it??)

Click here to learn more about what Susan has taught me on the podcast this week.


Marie Celestine is the daughter of my virtual assistant and she came into my life when she was only 5 years old. This is the sweetest, most precious little girl you will ever meet. She loves to learn, dream, and play. She is audacious and bold and has such a bright future ahead.

Marie Celestine is my also birthday twin, only 37 years my junior. Today, this little girl turns 7 years old.

She inspires me to be a good role model for her — because as I make my way to 85 — I want her to be guided by me like I am by Susan.

I want her to grow up confidently and consciously and I want to see her continue to blossom into the highest and best version of herself in every chapter of her life.

That’s why today on the podcast, I’m remembering 3 lessons i’ve learned from my 45 years that I hope will serve her well.


In full circle, and almost as if the Universe planned it this way, today I get to honor myself, and you. Because although we can look to the future and remember the past, the only moment we can ever truly live is the present.

I am so grateful that you are taking this journey right along with me.

This is 45 for me. In this moment, I honor who I’ve been and who I’m becoming. I honor the privilege of having a role model and the responsibility of being one. (Isn’t it just perfect synchronicity to share this day with Susan and Marie Celestine??)

I am so thankful for my life in every way.

And I am thankful for you letting me slip into your inbox and your earpods to do this work I know I was born to do.

Today on the podcast I’m sharing my intentions for this next trip around the sun. Hopefully you’ll take the trip with me.

That’s a wrap for now.

Cheers to 7, 45, and 85.


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