Will You Catch the Vision to Be Like Father?
Will You Catch the Vision to Be Like Father?
“Now his older son was in the field, and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant. And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf, because he has received him back safe and sound.’ But he was angry and refused to go in.” (Luke 15:25–28 ESV)
What about you? Will you catch the vision to be like Father?
Are you like either of these sons? One was overtly rebellious—merely using his father to get his way and to live according to what seemed best to him. The other was concealed in his contempt, not wanting to reveal his heart for fear he would lose his inheritance. He was truly motivated by self-interest, and did not value or want to invest anything into the repentance of one his father loved. (Let’s note this point; it is extremely important.) Neither of them was a true son in the beginning, but their father gave both of them an opportunity to become one.
Perhaps you are now catching the vision to be like the father. He was so motivated to see the full development of those he generated that he was willing to invest his substance in a precarious process that he hoped would result in repentance. It was an extremely risky gamble, but it came from a pure heart of absolute love. Yes, this father is a vivid picture of God the Father. He also gave up to half of his property to his offspring. He allowed them to take what he released to them to express their ideas, vision, values, and motivations. On top of that, he then gave into this process his most valued possession: his only begotten son, Jesus.
Most of the people of God’s creation have used their freedom and his resources in reckless, riotous living, selfish ambition, or greedy accumulation. This soon deteriorated into a sick, sin-soaked, competitive world. God’s hope is that at least some of them will wake up to the futility of all this, and turn to him. He hopes that some will trust him enough to let him become their father. God wants to shape them, love them, impart to them, and grow them to maturity—maximizing their potential, their gifts, and their talents so they can emulate him on earth.
Is your vision to be like God? Are you willing to invest in processes that will lead to changed thinking in God’s potential sons and daughters—including and especially your own?
Jesus finishes the parable without telling us whether the older brother engaged wholeheartedly in his Father’s celebration. Perhaps he leaves it open ended so we can each conclude this story by our own life:
You may identify more with the younger, overtly rebellious son who burned his youth and inheritance in the school of hard knocks, but who then repented and came to Father’s house ready to be a true son. If this is you, don’t be side-tracked by all the celebration and notoriety; the objective is still to be shaped and trained around Father’s table.
On the other hand, you may be like the older brother who was jealous of the focus the prodigal received. You have stayed in God’s house all your life; you have done your best to live under his house rules, and enjoyed his provision, protection, and stability. But because you haven’t truly understood or adopted his heart, you resent the adulation and all the blessings bestowed on those newcomers who are so undeserving. If so, can I encourage you to remember that the celebration is not because they are so good or deserving; no, it is because of the Father’s joy—not because the ex-sinners deserve it. He is rejoicing because he can resume his dream of shaping the repentant sons into true sons. God celebrates because a blockage to the fulfilment of his own dream has been removed. Let’s respond positively to his request, “rejoice with me,” knowing that this is His party, and that our wholehearted participation will please him immensely.
(Luke 15:6 NKJV) “And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’”