Are You Capable of Being Better Than “Good Enough”?
Dr. David Moffet BDS FPFA CSP
Dental Practice Management Specialist > Dental Practice Profitability Expert > Dental Operations Consultant and Coach.
One of the things we need to focus on as business owners is the thought of complacency where, in thinking as businesses, we believe that GOOD ENOUGH IS GOOD ENOUGH, and the pursuit of better than good enough is not worth the extra effort.
Because a lot of people and businesses do think in terms of these sorts of self-defeating thoughts.
And I’m reminded of the question of what would we be doing now if Steve Jobs had decided that the iPod was good enough… after all, the iPod was a revolutionary invention for its time..… and if he had, then maybe Apple would not have gone on to develop more, and the world would never have received the iPhone?
And it is really this PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE or this continual pursuit of improvement that has driven the growth and success of the human race as it stands today.
Because what would the world have been like if Christopher Columbus had not sailed westward to discover the Americas?
And is space really the final frontier, especially considering that the USA has sent a number of astronauts to walk on the surface of the moon?
Of course it is not… now we have private citizens doing day trips to space…
What is next for you?
What’s your next goal?
What’s the next thing that you seek to achieve, or improve upon?
Or are you contented with your current lot at present?
Remember, the decision to mark time, to rest, or to stop and smell the coffee, though restful and recharging, is in reality an action of taking NO ACTION, ?and as such, making the choice of being stationary, is actually a decision to put “the vehicle into reverse” relatively speaking, in relation to the field you are in, who are still continuing?onwards.
And that passing of time can be scary.
A true story:
After purchasing my dental practice in 1987, and owning it for five years, in 1992 I asked people in the industry how my practice was performing, relative to the industry.
And I was told:
“You’re doing OK. Your practice is turning over double what the average dental practice is turning over.”
This was very interesting for me to find out, as I had felt at that time that there was room for further improvement in my practice, especially with relation to time management, efficiencies, and scheduling capacity.
But heck, I then thought to myself:
“If the average practice is doing $200K per year, and I’m nudging $400K per year, then I guess I should feel contented?”
Fast forward four years to 1996, and I’m still doing around the $400K per year mark… so I asked people in the industry again for a comparison.
And guess what they told me?
They said:
“The average practice is doing $200K per year, and you’re doing $400K per year…. you’re doing OK. Your practice is turning over double what the average dental practice is turning over.”
And so I went away … “contented”…..
Until I met a dentist whose one man practice was doing $800K turnover annually.
And then I realised, that I needed to know more.
I realised that better was possible.
And I knew that I needed to find out what he was doing differently to me.
Because in reality, he was no better than me.
In reality, he was no different to me.
His practice was also in western Sydney, and was actually located in what I perceived to be a lower socio-economic area than the part of Sydney where my practice was located…
So ask yourself this…
If better is possible, why would you not want to become better?
Why would you settle for good enough, when better is possible, and is achievable?
Fifteen years on from 1996 to 2011, and my practice was turning over $3.4M. The practice had grown it’s turnover 8.5X in fifteen years.
That decision to move through the “good enough barrier” for me, and find out more about what I could be doing differently, or doing better, for me was life changing.
The subsequent growth in my practice allowed me to move my family to live in an area where I could send my children to better schools. It also allowed me to allocate savings towards my retirement, and in so doing, allowed me to determine where I retired to, as well as what I would do in my retirement.
Sadly, as a result of a medical condition, I retired myself from clinical dentistry many years before I thought that I would retire.
But the choices that I made early in my career meant that I COULD MAKE CHOICES later in life when the chips were down…
Nowadays, it does give me great pleasure to give back to the profession, and to mentor dental practice owners who ask me these two simple questions:
“David, how can my practice be better? Can you help me?”
Of course I can. Just ask me…
LIVE Workshop: Dr David Moffet and Jayne Bandy:
“How To Easily Run, Maintain And Grow The Ultimate Dental Practice In 2022 and Beyond”
If you’re sick and tired of drilling all day long, and not having anything close to what you deserve, to show for it… or if you’ve ever wondered, “What can successful dentists POSSIBLY know, that I don’t?”… then register for this LIVE workshop Thursday February 24, 2022 in Melbourne, VIC
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The?Ultimate Patient Experience?is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about?my free special report.
Email me at?[email protected]
"David is the #1 Dentist to follow on LinkedIn" --his mom. CEO/Mentor/Owner Lake Oconee Dentistry, PC
3 年Pursuit of excellence. Becoming the manifestation of our God given abilities.