You Can't Learn Fluent Spanish Overnight
Rochelle Dallas
Giving Trade Stockists Their Next Bestseller | Heavy-Duty, Comfortable & Sustainable Premium Work Mats | No Risk, No Outlay - Just Profit
Can you believe next week is March?
Well I can't - and I am NEVER one to go on about how much time is flying (just get on with it FGS ??)
But even I have succumbed to commenting about how quickly this year is going!
And - full disclosure - I feel like I am ONLY just getting back up to where I was pre Christmas and Pre-Covid. And I may have even said that before! But this time I mean it...
March is going to be exciting for me (and for you too, if you are interested in creating an online course) because I?am launching my brand new 1:1 programme "AUTHORity" - especially for authors, or authors in the making, who are passionate and knowledgeable enough to put pen to paper and publish a book on their expertise.??
We are gonna EXPLODE their businesses but creating amazing online courses from the content, to extend the reach and accelerate the impact they're knowledge makes on the world.
You can find out how to join the FREE Workshop in the "WE STUFF" section of this newsletter.
So this week I am giving away my top tips when it comes to course creation.?I have LOADS of secrets, stay tuned for more - but here are my top THREE...
You ready for this one,??
Here's Newsletter #8
Course creating is FUN?- honestly, it is!!
It doesn’t have to be overwhelming at all HOWEVER... knowing these little secrets about the process will make your life easier and your course more successful further down the line!
So set yourself up for success - Here’s 3 things you CANNOT overlook...
1.????Research your Audience
First things first, you want to create something that your customer wants to buy, and how you're going to do that is?research. You should research the life out of your audience and get to know their pain points, their habits, what their problems are, where they are in the world, everything, what their disposable income is, you're going to find out everything.
What have they done similar to what you're doing? Have they ever done any similar courses to what you're proposing to launch?
You will want to know it all.
This step is often bypassed by people because they think they know what their clients and audience want.
But you know what?
They don't. And this is where people fail, and this is where I've fallen over myself in the past.
I’ve thought I knew what the market wanted. And not even bothered to ask them.
I’ve cooked a 3 course steak dinner and not even checked they’re not vegetarian.
Also, it’s not enough that?you know that they need it.?And it’s definitely not enough to build something just because you?want to create.
It must be something that they want to buy.
Doing this research gets their buy in early in the process, it gets them excited. Founder members will give invaluable feedback and gain benefits of being in with you early in the process.??It’s an exciting experience for them, they're part of something new.
You could:
1.???book express one to one chats with people (every single minute that you speak to your ideal client is worth hours of wasted time further down the line.)
2.?????You can send out a survey.?(an impactful way of getting knowledge and nuggets of information from your audience).
3.?????Stalk social media – FB Groups, LI and Twitter threads
4.?????Read reviews of competition and see what’s missing for the reader
5.?????Listen in on conversations in places like Clubhouse or Audio Rooms
LOADS of ways you can do your research!
2.????Time Frame
An important stage of course creation is mapping out the curriculum, where you?plan out everything that your student needs to get from A to B, via your course.?
In the first course I created – The Redundancy Survival Project – I carefully mapped out everything that my student would need to know and do in order to feel that redundancy hadn’t killed her career or confidence.?
When I stepped back from the plan and it was obvious the amount of work that would be needed, I THEN put the timeframe in.?
It’s always better to include a timeframe in the course somewhere. It helps your client and your audience resonate with the outcome more, so they can envisage themselves in "X amount of time" they'll be at a certain point.
But it's important that you add it in at the end.
Do not lead with the timeframe.
I’ll tell you why.
If you were to put the timeframe in at the?beginning, you run the risk of your outcome not being achievable.
For example, "Learn Fluent Spanish Overnight", because you wanted to do an something that sounds ASTONISHING (even though it is completely unrealistic).
"Learn Fluent Spanish in One Month" is?more?realistic – but unless they clear their diary and have a fairly good handle of the language already, a month to get fluent is a pretty big, overwhelming goal, right? What you'll end up doing is overwhelming and scaring people and they won't complete your course (which is what you want!)
What you also don’t want is, "Learn Conversational Spanish in One Year" and by month four you're still teaching them greetings. That’s going to get boring and you're going to lose them and guess what, you won't get the course completed.
And what do we want? High completion rates.
3.????The Alien Test
You want to discuss, talk this thing out with people.?I cannot tell you how many times I have added removed, overlap, joined, move things around or deleted ideas completely.
This is my secret weapon.??Do a run through of the curriculum with an "alien".
Most of my alien tests are with my Mum, she is so far removed from the online course creation world so will ask good questions, without me feeling questioned.?
By talking it through with somebody completely unconnected to your business or your industry, you're taking the content down to a granular level.
Which will ensure you don’t leapfrog over important foundational bits – and It will?automatically give you confidence to speak with authority.
The order of things might change as you as you talk this content out, and you can also see if there's room for collaborations.
Guest experts are a fantastic way to expand on a topic that you aren’t a particular expert on yourself. You don't know everything, no one does!
I am THRILLED to announce that my next LIVE event will be next month, to show you how to?"Turn Your Book Into an Online Course".?If you have written a non-fiction or self help book that helps deliver a transformation, and you want to know how to make more money from your knowledge then this workshop is for you!
That's it from me this week! Make sure you save this one so you can refer back to it when you come to create your course.
This week has been absolutely buzzing and even I am surprised with the amount of fresh conversations, hot leads and new clients I have signed up recently.
It's pleasantly surprised me, after quite a slow Jan and Feb - things are not only picking up for me but my clients are seeing a lift in spirits too.?KEEP GOING GUYS. I know it can be tough (believe me!) but I am really starting to see things pick up!!
In other news, this week I spent the whole of Wednesday chilling in the Spa at Sopwell House and it was obviously a real delight.
But you know what the biggest win was? Not my incredible massage, delicious lunch in my fluffy robe and that I ran for 5 mins straight in the gym - it was the fact I could completely switch off and not have to worry about any of my clients needing me, because they all have what they need in the online portal.
It's seriously what I want for all of you.
You know you can join COURSE YOU CAN anytime, right??My signature group programme is on FIRE with awesome strides forwards in businesses happening every single day!
Just hit reply if you are interested and we can get a call booked in.
Have a great weekend,
Love Rochelle ??
P.S If you book a call with me this week I have an extra special bonus for you ;)