You Can't Handle the Truth
Steven Rosenberry
Algorithmic Equity Trader / Data Analyst / Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt / Ethics Evangelist
?by Steven Rosenberry - 2024
This year’s poem cuts deep, not for the faint of heart or the shallow mind,
My thoughts keep swirlin’ ‘round and ‘round, about matter, space, and time.
Some say time is infinite; it has no beginning and thus has no end,
Then how is today today; if there were an infinite yesterdays, my friend?
YOU see, today would never come if there was no beginning point in time,
We MUST go back to something indivisible, when It’s realized Its perfectly sublime.
My deductions won’t be fuzzy, because we’ll use philosophy and logic,
Please LISTEN, research, AND think, I hope these complex points assimilate and click.
In today’s TIME, we HEAR grand delusions that even THE TRUTH does not exist,
Self-defeating claims of the woke and politically correct really have me in a twist.
If everything is relative, just opinions and there are no absolutes,
Then aren’t those words empty too because they can’t contain the truth.
Our rejection of the truth IS of our own free will, in other words it is volitional,
Accept what feels good, reject what convicts is certainly not Proverbial.
In A Few Good Men, paramount words were enounced from a simple witness booth,
Do you reject the facts and say there’s no God because “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH?!”
The 1st Law of Thermodynamics states that the universe’s energy is finite,
The 2nd law says this usable energy is RUNNING out, yes, you heard me right.
The universe will one day end, Einstein’s Theory was correct, what a wonder!
Time, space, and matter are co-relative and interdependent, no one without the other.
Science assumes that every cause has an effect, it simply goes without saying,
You can’t naturally make something OUT of nothing, that’s what this argument is displaying.
If an effect cannot come before the cause, and the “Big Bang” is a lie exploded from denial,
HE must be self-existent, immaterial, nonspatial, and timeless, someone truly supernatural.
Elementary life began in some ancient warm pool IS THE theory of the evolutionist cohort,
A magical blend of nonliving chemicals sparked to LIFE is the summary of their report.
But is primitive life really that simple when you look at the single cell amoeba,
When its’ DNA strand alone could fill 1,000 sets of Brittanica’s Encyclopedia?
DNA relies on proteins for their production; and proteins rely on DNA,
You see, both must already be in existence for THE other to be made.
Evolutionists thought they were slick when they suggested aliens and panspermia,
Their problem, the origin of life, still exists despite the move to a far-distant, unknown, universal suburbia.
Now let’s talk about irreducible complexity, it’s really kind of a simple quirk,
It’s a system of parts so well matched that if we remove just one it will not work.
Just like the valves in a giraffe’s long neck if they did not regulate how fast their blood flowed,
When they took a sip of water, they’d either pass out or their heads might just explode.
Darwin thought the fossil record would bring clarity; evolutionists have no fear!
Then tell me why species’ fossils are the same from their BEGINNING until they disappear?
There’s no proof of transitional forms or macroevolution AND they continue to dig and dig,
All they find are hoaxes like Nebraska Man where I guess they finally proved that men are just pigs.
Darwinists and religious types both feel guilt for wrong, of this I have no doubt,
One has rules to avoid or atone for sin; THE other says nothing is immoral and that’s their simple out.
Some think life is fun and games; or is there some deeper reason? ?It’s a paradox.
If life is some silly game to you, in the END, will you just get packed up in a box?
And why do we SHUN EVIL, and naturally know what’s good like a heavy rain finds a river,
Since we have an engrained moral law; there must be a source, a mighty moral law Giver.
The moral law calls us to go beyond tolerance to LOVE, anything less would be so sad,
But understand that no one tolerates good behavior, we only tolerate WHAT’S bad.
An absolute standard of RIGHT and wrong is written on the heart of every human being,
How could it not CONVINCE the hardest of hearts that a beating heart is not someone living.
All pro-abortionists are already born but I think they’d quickly change their tune,
They would immediately scream, “pro-life!” if they were put back in THE womb.
Hitler was an evil man and took the WORLD on one crazy ride,
But if men won’t procreate with women isn’t the ultimate end human genocide?
Here’s another shocker, there are no races either, no red, yellow, black, or white,
We’re all just different shades of brown, call us Adam’s or the human race, the only terms I feel are right.
You might say that THE BIBLE itself can’t prove that the EVENTS within it ARE certainly TRUE,
Then how about a non-Christian, historical writer and his book, how would that do?
Flavius Josephus, a Roman historian, wrote Antiquities of the Jews around AD 93,
HE said at the time of Pilate, there WAS a Wise Man named Jesus as good as good could be,
As virtuous as He was, Pilate CONDEMNED Him to be CRUCIFIED; the spear confirmed He could not survive,
BUT what do you know three days later his disciples found Him RESURRECTED AND ALIVE,
Josephus was not a liar; Romans were killed for much less than such a blunder,
He even claimed JESUS might be THE true MESSIAH recounting all the prophetic signs and wonders.
Over 15,000 ancient manuscripts of the New Testament have been found,
It has more copies than any other historical record that has ever been around.
Even the harshest, atheist critics say all New Testament gospels were written before AD 65,
The apostle Paul said, “go check with the 500 witnesses of CHRIST’S resurrection, because they are still alive.”
Archaeology continues to prove the people, places, and events in the bible are tried and true,
The disciples’ records pass the test of the “principle of embarrassment” for all the stupid things they’d do.
Most people making up a STORY about themselves will exclude embarrassing facts causing strife,
But what did they have to gain for lies except poverty, persecution, and beatings, ultimately, loss of life.
Pantheism believes that god is everything, worshipping everything IS at the heart of this religion,
But it seems all Spinoza’s philosophical circular reasoning led him to was cosmic indecision,
Islam spread following conquests, while Jews denied the Messiah’s divine description in Isaiah 53,
Polytheism refutes itself by denying one god is not all-POWERFUL, so again what’s left but Christianity.
Simon Greenleaf, a Harvard lawyer, EXAMINEd THE FACTS and this was his report,
The gospel testimonies were admissible and irrefutable if they were entered as evidence into court.
Even the detective J. Warner Wallace, tried to use his investigative skills to refute all the gospels’ claims,
But instead, he CONFIRMed they were eyewitness testimonies; aTHEism foregone, a Christian he became.
If we have early TESTIMONY, from eyewitnesses who accurately recorded events AND were not deceived,
Then philosophical bias against miracles is the only reason left to not BELIEVE.
A huge explosion created every natural thing is the summation of the Big Bang Theory,
Well, here’s a stick of dynamite and a junkyard full of old car parts, please, blow me up a Ferrari.
And tell me which evolved first, human blood or was it the human heart?
That’s why these theories are just theories, when tested they crack and fall apart.
Earth’s unique positioning in the universe might lead one to say it was designed with divine intention,
This and other perfect “accidents” lead me to believe, not by chance but by God’s miraculous creation.
We’re nearing the end, you must make a choice is JESUS a liar, a lunatic, or Lord?
Even non-Christian resources claim that He WAS honest AND virtuous, even though He was deplored.
If liar IS out, then perhaps His extremist claims to be GOD only makes Him crazy,
No, too many prophecies fulfilled, miracles too great, thAt logic is just too hazy.
His claiMs to be Lord are just and true; the puzzle pieces I’ve assembled bEfore you on the table,
I hope the picture is getting clear that the Bible stories we read are not some aNcient fables.
Like Turek and Geisler wrote, “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist,”
That’s why I never say Happy Holidays, I’ll just end with these two simple words… Merry Christ-mas!
Algorithmic Equity Trader / Data Analyst / Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt / Ethics Evangelist
3 个月Here's my hint. There is a slight overlap between the first and second phrases.