You can't gain knowledge by mind: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal
Pravin Agrawal ????
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Here's - You can't gain knowledge by mind: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal.
And other posts/ true incidents.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.
These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.
Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.
Love and light to you!
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7 September 2023
You can't gain knowledge by mind
*Mind is also in your knowledge!
You can't gain knowledge by mind!
*What is the knowledge?
Whatever you read!
That is not knowledge!
*Whatever you see!
That is Knowledge!
*You see your body!
You see the world!
That is Knowledge!
*But that is also artificial knowledge!
Knowing yourself!
That is the true knowledge!
*Jai Sri Radha Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Happy Sri Krishna Janmashtami!
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26 December 2023
Unlearn Everything
*Forget everything!
Unlearn everything!
*You have not come here!
To learn anything!
You have come here!
To unlearn everything!
*Throw away!
Your existing knowledge!
Thus remove your ego!
*You are just an illiterate person!
You don't know anything!
You are not required to learn!
Unlearn everything!
Be simple like an illiterate!
*You are knowledge itself!
Don't learn anything here!
Just unlearn!
Remove your all covers!
Remove your all layers!
*Thus empty your mind!
Thus see yourself!
As pure knowledge!
You are already the same!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
14 November 2023
Knowledge and Information
*Whatever you read!
That is information!
Whatever you experience!
That is knowledge!
*You know by books!
You know by education!
You know from audio!
You know from video!
*All this is not knowledge!
That is merely information!
*Information is gained by mind!
Knowledge is not gained by mind!
*You know you are man woman!
You are Mr Hari!
You are living in Delhi!
You don't need to repeat it!
You don't need to practice it!
You don't need to remember it!
Since you know it!
That is called knowledge!
That is also limited up to mind!
*True knowledge is the ultimate!
True knowledge is beyond mind!
That is the knowledge of divine!
That's the goal of human life!
Which tells what is knowledge!
*Most sacred secret knowledge!
Can't be gained by information!
The knowledge of Almighty!
That is called Adhyatma Vidya!
That is divine knowledge!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
22 September 2023
Don't be confused by photo of God Realized
*Don't see the body of Atm-Gyani!
See him one infinite Atma!
See him everywhere!
*Don't consider him!
Merely a body!
See him Atma!
*Don't see him!
Your friends, relatives!
Don't see him body!
*Even if he lives in family!
See as if he lives in Ashram!
See as if he lives in forest!
*He returned home for your good!
But he still lives out of the home!
He still lives in forest, Ashram!
*His body is in Pravriti Marg!
But his mind in Nivrati Marg!
*His body is in family!
But his mind out of the family!
*He was returned to home!
By Almighty Krishna!
So that world may gain!
Due to his presence!
*Try to gain knowledge!
By uttar submission to him!
By surrender of your ego!
*Do not talk in front of him!
Listen only his sacred words!
Listen only his experience!
Then you can gain knowledge!
*Don't show that you know anything!
Show as if you know nothing!
Even if you know every thing!
Then you can gain knowledge!
*And that's divine knowledge!
And you become knowledge!
By knowing it from him!
Which is most secret, sacred!
In this entire universe!
*If you remember him!
You remember Almighty!
Difficult to remember Almighty!
Easy to remember him!
*That's the reason!
Almighty reveals Himself!
Through Atm-Gyani!
From time to time!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
7 September 2023
Touch the feet of everyone in home
*Family is a basic unit of the world!
Everything starts from the family!
You are living for your family!
Your family is living for you!
*Start your divine journey!
From your family!
*Touch the feet of everyone Daily!
Without any break in your family!
Irrespective of any Age difference!
This will help you to remember always!
Almighty God is inside of everyone!
*If you can't touch the feet of everyone!
Then you can not finish your ego!
Then you can not know beloved Krishna!
Then you can't know Self, Atma, Almighty!
Then there is one more solution of this!
Touch the feet of everyone in your mind!
Thus you can finish your ego!
Which is enemy of divine knowledge!
*The biggest God is inside of others!
Biggest worship God inside others!
After that God in temple, mosque!
Church and other worship places!
*This was our old Sanskar!
This was our ancient culture!
But we forgot this tradition!
Due to influence of western culture!
*Thus start your divine journey!
From your family itself!
*Every one is Atma self soul!
Atma is Paramatma Sri Krishna!
Since Atma is inside everyone!
Body is cloth of everyone!
Never forget this truth!
*Never forget!
Atma is self!
Atma is Paramatma!
In every religion!
*Can you forget?
You are man or woman?
*In the same way!
You should never forget!
You are Atma, Self or soul!
Everyone is Atma, Self or soul!
*Thus you can reduce your ego!
Thus you can know Atma, soul, Self!
Thus you can know Almighty God!
*Then you will not need to remember!
That you are Self, Atma, soul!
After some practice like this!
Like you don't need to remember!
That you are man or woman!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Happy Sri Krishna Janmashtami.
7 September 2023
You can't gain knowledge by mind
*Mind is also in your knowledge!
You can't gain knowledge by mind!
*What is the knowledge?
Whatever you read!
That is not knowledge!
*Whatever you see!
That is Knowledge!
*You see your body!
You see the world!
That is Knowledge!
*But that is also artificial knowledge!
Knowing yourself!
That is the true knowledge!
*Jai Sri Radha Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Happy Sri Krishna Janmashtami!
30 June 2023
Who can digest this knowledge?
*No one can understand!
This divine knowledge!
Even if it is not kept secret!
No ignorant can digest it!
*Only fortunate can digest it!
Only fortunate can understand it!
*Even if you are told!
That you are Brahman!
You can't understand it!
*You can't make gold ornament!
Until unless you heat the gold!
*In the same way!
First you need to win body!
Your senses, intellect!
*You have to purify!
Body, mind, senses!
And intellect!
*Then you can grasp!
The words of Spiritual Master!
Then you can understand!
The words of scriptures!
*Then you will be eligible!
To receive this knowledge!
To grasp this knowledge!
*Then you will become Atma!
Merely by words of the wise!
Merely by the words of scriptures!
*Then you can understand!
You are Atma, Soul, Self!
Not merely a body!
*Then you will become Atma!
You will not remain a body!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
28 June 2023
Fragrance is not different than flower
*Doer is not different than doing!
Like fragrance not different than flower!
*In the same way!
Atma, Soul, Self is doer of the world!
Hence not different than the world!
Hence only Atma exists, not the world!
*But it is also for ignorant!
For those who are in knowledge!
World does not exist!
It only seems to exist!
There is no other for them!
*For those who are ignorant!
Who are not in knowledge!
World only exists, not the Atma!
*Like in spring season!
Trees blossom with flowers!
During autumn season!
Trees are without flowers!
*In the same way!
World appears and disappears!
With appearance and disappearance!
Of Chitt or subtle mind!
*Else there is no world!
Only Self exists!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
12 June 2023
Soul Is Without Scenes
*Soul is seer!
Without scenes!
When Soul starts imagination!
It becomes seer of scenes!
*Soul is without object of knowledge!
When it starts to do imagination!
It becomes knower of knowledge!
*Only Soul exists which is shapeless!
When Soul forgets that it is shapeless!
It starts to see things in imagination!
It senses body and world in imagination!
Which are called Chitt or subtle mind!
Which are imagination power of Atma!
Like we see dream, it starts to see dream!
*If we don't have any thought, imagination!
Then we will know we are Soul, Atma!
All joy and sorrows only in imagination!
They are like a very long dream!
*When Soul wakes up from this dream!
Soul knows that it is not a body!
It is Soul, Atma, Self Brahman!
Then it knows that!
Body and relatives of body!
They were only in imagination, dream!
Life and death was only in imagination!
Fear of death was imagination, dream!
*Thus Soul is Chidakash!
Atma is like clear sky!
Which is Chinmay, Chaitanya!
Which is pure consciousness!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
What is Knowledge?
*Knowledge is not gained!
By reading books!
That is artificial knowledge!
*Just think it over!
Ask yourself!
Who wrote the first book?
In the history of the books!
*Who wrote the first book?
Of Medicine!
Philosophy etc!
*Who wrote?
Bhagavad Gita!
Maha Bharat!
Ramayana etc!
*Books have been written!
Only after realizing the truth!
Then truth was recorded!
In the form of books!
*Knowledge is not gained from books!
Knowledge dawns itself!
Then it is reproduced in the books!
*Knowledge dawns itself!
From Atma, Soul!
To mind!
By the medium of thoughts!
*Then it was reproduced!
In the form of the books!
By application of mind!
Then it becomes!
Artificial knowledge!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
14 May 2023
Chitt acts as projector
*This world is like a movie!
Chitt acts as projector!
In this world movie!
*Chitt is Hindi word!
It has no English word!
It can be called subtle mind!
*Chitt is most subtle!
Nothing is smaller than Chitt!
It is smaller than an atom!
No one can take its photo!
*Chitt is very smaller than an atom!
It is millions time more Powerful!
Than any atom bomb!
*If Chitt is destroyed!
Entire cosmos is destroyed!
Within moments!
Then nothing is left behind!
Except Brahman, Supreme Soul!
*Chitt is created!
Since your millions of births!
It has all your recorded Karma!
Since millions of births!
It shows the world movie!
*Nothing exists except you!
Nothing exists except Self!
Nothing exists except Atma, Soul!
*That is Supreme Soul!
That is Supreme Self!
That is Brahman!
*Every God of any religion!
In this Brahman only!
In this Supreme Soul only!
In this Supreme Self only!
*Your Chitt shows different faces!
Your Chitt shows different things!
Chitt is creator of world movie!
*In Cinema Hall!
You can see movie!
Only in the dark!
When lights are on!
You don't see movie!
*In the same way!
You see this world movie!
Only in ignorance of darkness!
When lights of knowledge are on!
Then you don't see world movie!
Then you only exists, nothing else!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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23 February 2023
Motiya Bindu
*Do you know?
What is Motiya Bindu?
*In English!
It is called Cataract!
In which scenes are not clear!
*In this disease!
People see things like illusion!
They can't see things clearly!
They can't see right or wrong!
*All people in this world!
They are having Motiya Bindu!
*Here in this world!
People are seeing wrong things as right!
And right things as wrong!
Since they are having Motiya Bindu!
*Reality is this!
Things which are visible!
They don't exist!
Things which are not visible!
They actually exist!
*People don't apply knowledge!
They see only by eyes!
They don't see by mind!
They don't see by heart!
Thus they befool themselves!
*Remove your ignorance by knowledge!
That is divine knowledge!
That is true knowledge!
*That is purpose of your birth!
On this planet earth!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
23 February 2023
Drishya Bhram
*How is this world seen?
What is the reason of scenes?
*Drishya Bhram!
It meansIllusion of the world!
*How it is seen?
It is seen due to ignorance!
*What is the reason of ignorance?
It is due to illusion by your Chitt!
*What is Chitt?
Chitt is your subtle mind!
Which is body consciousness!
*How to destroy Chitt?
How to remove illusion of world?
*Remove body consciousness!
Always be in self-consciousness!
*Thus Chitt will be destroyed!
World will be destroyed!
Ignorance will be destroyed!
*Only one solution!
To remove this ignorance!
*That is company, your friends!
Your friends must be wise!
*Friend must be sage!
Friend must be God!
*Friend must be God-Realized!
Friend must be scripture!
*What is scripture?
Which gives knowledge of God!
*That may be Bhagavad Gita etc!
That may be any blog!
That may be any Shastra!
That may be any book!
That may be any audio!
That may be any video!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
22 January 2023
Truth and Senses
*Worldly truth are based on the senses, Intellect and mind.
*We see some thing, we perceive some thing and we assume it true. We call it true.
We say- This is true, this is false.
*We see any thing by our eyes and we say that it is true.
We listen some thing by our ears and we say that it is true.
*We say that sun rises in the east since we have seen it.
But who has made the directions - East or West, etc?
*Hence this is relative truth.
*Thing which we can perceive, we say it is true.
*Thing which we can not perceive, we say it is false.
*Worldly truth is based on our limited knowledge.
*When we were knowing that earth is not round. We considered it true.
*When we knew that earth is round. Then we consider that it was false.
*You are doing journey by a ship. Suppose you are coming toward Mumbai from a distant
nation. But you don't know that Mumbai exists. You are not seeing any city.
Hence you say that no city exists towards this side. But when you approach towards it then you
start to see some very small buildings etc from distance. Then you say that some city exists.
When you approach more near to it, then small buildings are seen very tall buildings. Then you
come to know this city is called Mumbai.
Hence we gain knowledge by this process.
Earlier nothing exists.
After that some thing exists.
After that only this exists.
*Hence you believe on your eyes.
You have to depend on your senses!
You have to depend on your knowledge!
For finding out the truth!
*For those who can't perceive ghosts, they don't exist.
*For those who can perceive ghosts, they exist.
But from what you perceive?
You perceive by senses!
When you overcome senses!
When you win your senses!
Then again you say that ghosts don't exist. Only I exist. I was perceiving them by the senses.
*Same is the case with your body and this world!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
22 DEC 22
How your eyes are closed?
*You say that!
Your eyes are open!
*You say that!
You are not sleeping!
*I say!
Your eyes are closed!
You are sleeping!
*Your eyes are closed!
Even if they are not closed!
*You are sleeping!
Even if you are not sleeping!
See the reply!
*You see many things daily!
I ask you!
What do you see?
*You can name many things!
But know!
You are surrounded!
By infinite things!
And you don't know!
*But really they don't exist!
Even if you see them!
Even if you don't see them!
*You have closed your eyes!
From the views of divine!
And also from the views of world!
Up to a certain extent!
*You are not seeing divine!
Even after seeing it!
*Since you see from the eyes!
You don't see from your mind!
You don't see from your heart!
You don't see from knowledge!
Since your knowledge is limited!
18 DEC 2022
You are Brahm
*If you say!
You are not Chitt!
It is assumed!
It means!
You are something!
*If you say!
You are Chinmay!
Then you are without!
Beginning and end!
*You are Chaitanya!
How can you have desires?
Whatever you are!
That is Brahm!
No slightest of difference!
*That Brahm is visible!
As truth or untruth!
Every thing in that Brahm!
*There is no many!
There is no you, I, his!
In that Brahm!
That is only one!
*That is Chinmay Atma!
Salutations to Him!
*You are without!
Beginning or end!
Like there are waves in ocean!
This world exists in yourself!
*You are infinite ocean!
Your body is a wave of this ocean!
You are such Atma!
Which is visible as world!
Doing many things!
*Like there is heat in fire!
Fragrance in flowers!
Blackness in Kajal!
Whiteness in snow!
Sweetness in jaggery!
Light in Sun!
They are not different!
With each other!
*In the same way!
Experience of Brahm!
It is not different than Brahm!
He is always present!
As our true form!
*I am not different than my experience!
You are not different than your experience!
*Experience is not different than Aham!
Jeeva is not different than Aham!
Subtle mind is not different than Jeeva!
Senses are not different than subtle mind!
Body is not different than senses!
World is not different than body!
*In this way Srishti Chakra works!
As if nothing happens!
*Nothing is less!
Nothing is more!
*Always there is one Paramatma!
Like sky is in sky!
In the same way!
Brahm is in Brahm!
That is always full!
There is no duality!
*A person who knows himself like this!
He is called Jeevan Mukt!
*A person who knows such!
Whatever he does!
He is always non-doer!
*Such person does not need to leave!
Or to obtain any thing!
He remains unattached with all things!
*Till such time!
One wants to leave or obtain anything!
He is in joy and sorrow!
*He has nothing to leave!
He has nothing to obtain!
He is without joy, sorrows!
*Whatever this world!
It is one non-dual Atma!
*Like ocean seems to exist!
Due to many waves!
But it does not become many!
In the same way!
World of many things appears!
In one infinite Atma!
Thus Atma does not become many!
*Know yourself!
Your such form!
And be situated in that!
Behave as per the world!
But from inside!
Be like a stone!
Without joy, sorrows!
*Who sees Atma as his form!
He sees with sameness!
His ignorance is removed!
Such Atma-Gyan removes!
Your ignorance and folly!
*Friendship, enmity!
Joy and sorrow!
Attachment, detachment!
All these live in Chitt!
But Chitt of such people is destroyed!
*Gyani seems to be sleeping!
But he does not sleep!
*Whose Aham is finished in Anatma!
Whose intellect is unattached!
Even if he kills this entire world!
Even then he does not kill any one!
He does not have Karma-Bandhan!
*Desire is eliminated by knowledge!
And Chitt is destroyed!
He does not have joy, sorrows!
Such is Jeevan Mukt!
Situated in one Atma!
*Subtle mind, Intellect, Ego!
Senses, body etc visible things!
They are same as Atma!
Jeeva also not different than Atma!
*Like there is no difference!
Between gold and its ornaments!
In the same way they are not different!
*Till that time!
Ignorance is there!
Till such time!
There is world!
There is birth and death!
*Ignorance is removed!
By Abhyas or practice!
Of Adhyatma knowledge!
*Like cold is finished!
By the intensity of fire!
In the same way!
By practice and thought!
Of Adhyatma Vidya!
Ignorance is finished!
*Till that time!
The cause of ignorance!
Desire is not removed!
This knowledge is not gained!
*If desire is finished!
Then ignorance is finished!
*Thus practice Adhyatma Vidya!
To remove desires and ignorance!
*When ignorance is finished!
Then subtle mind is destroyed!
*Thus wake up from your dream!
Since millions of years!
*One who is pure in intellect!
He will understand this easily!
He will be liberated by practice!
Just after reading this post!
19 DEC 2022
Know Ocean of consciousness
*Detachment and Atma-Vichar!
They bless liberation!
*When wrong knowledge is removed!
Then desires are finished!
And one is blessed with divine joy!
That is without time, space, thing!
*That is called Brahm!
That is visible as world!
It appears as Dwait due to oversight!
That is without thought everywhere!
*Thus know this!
And be peaceful!
*That is situated in itself!
Nothing like Chitt, Avidya!
Subtle mind, Jeeva exist!
These are visible in Brahm!
Due to mistakes!
In Brahm nothing exists!
*In all the worlds!
From Shiva up to the grass!
Every thing is Brahm!
*Neutral, friend, enemy!
Every one is Brahm!
*Till intellect is trapped!
In the world!
Due to ignorance!
And one sees many!
In one Brahm!
Till that time!
Chitt exists!
*Till Aham Bhav in body!
And Mamatva in Anatma!
Till that time illusion of Chitt exists!
*Till that time!
One does not get this highest!
With preaching of Saint and Scriptures!
And folly is not removed!
Till that time!
Illusion of Chitt exists!
*Till that time ego of body is not removed!
Illusion of world is not finished!
And one is not situated in knowledge!
Till then illusion of Chitt exists!
? ? ?
12 DEC 2022
Atma and World
*World is produced!
Due to ignorance of Atma!
World is destroyed!
Due to knowledge of Atma!
*World is produced!
Due to laziness of Atma!
World is finished!
By finishing laziness of Atma!
*World is like dirt of Atma!
When dirt is removed!
There is no world!
*This is also only for saying!
Else there is no world!
*Only one Atma exists!
Which is lighted and seen!
Only by practice and experience!
*World seems to exist!
Only for cheating you!
You should not be trapped in it!
*Leave all people and materials!
From your mind!
Thus know your Atma!
Then be yourself!
4 OCT 2022
@Surrender means no question
@Do you know?
What is total surrender?
@Surrender means no question!
No doubt! No smartness!
Be like a child!
And come to know the Truth!
@Your all questions must dissolve!
Your all smartness must dissolve!
Your all individuality must dissolve!
Your all personality must dissolve!
In front of the knower of Truth!
@Then you are ready to accept!
There must be total acceptance!
@Don't forget when you surrender!
You don't know anything!
You don't have anything!
You can't do anything!
@Total silence!
Mind in silence!
No questions in mind!
Total acceptance!
@Then you are in total acceptance!
Then you are ready to know Truth!
@Since this knowledge is very sacred!
Since this knowledge is very secret!
@And this is called Adhyatm Vidya!
And this is called Divine Knowledge!
@Knowledge is That!
Which liberates!
Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye!
@Wish You Happy Maha Navami
Wishing You Happy Navaratri
20 SEP 2022
Even if you pay 1 billion dollars
*You can't purchase!
This knowledge!
Even if you pay!
One billion dollars!
*This is called Adhyatma Vidya!
This is called divine knowledge!
*It is king of knowledge!
It is very secret knowledge!
It is very sacred knowledge!
*You can get this knowledge!
Only by total surrender!
By body, mind, intelligence!
*When intelligence fails!
When intelligence ends!
Then this knowledge starts!
*By total surrender!
Get it free of cost!
*Without total surrender!
You can't get it!
Even by paying!
One billion dollars!
18 SEP 2022
You are beyond mind
*Birth and death!
Only in mind!
*Here mind means!
Subtle mind!
*Names and forms!
Only in mind!
*This universe!
Only in mind!
*Time and space!
Only in mind!
*You are beyond body!
You are beyond everything!
*You are beyond mind!
You are not the mind!
*Purpose of your birth!
Only to get this knowledge!
This is called Adhyatma Vidya!
This is called divine knowledge!
*This is very secret knowledge!
This is very sacred knowledge!
20 December 2021
You can't touch me
*You can't know me!
You can't touch me!
*You can't catch me!
You can't notice me!
*Except with divine knowledge!
Except with total surrender!
Except with divine love!
*If you want to know me!
If you want to touch me!
If you want to catch me!
If you want to notice me!
*Just surrender!
With body, mind, intellect!
Leave selfish knowledge!
Gain divine knowledge!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
21 November 2021
True Knowledge is Eternal
*If we begin any thing!
It must end one day!
*We start to know!
Any God riding on bull!
*Earlier we were not knowing!
But we are told to assume Him God!
And we start to assume Him God!
Thus our knowledge begins!
*Whatever begins!
It must end!
*It was just assumption!
Assumption is not true!
*We start to assume!
We must end to assume!
When we know the truth!
*Why we need to assume!
To know the reality!
Once we know the reality!
Then no need to assume!
*Truth is eternal!
It is never ending!
*It does not need assumption!
It does not need any base!
*Who assumes?
Self assumes!
*Self assumes with whose help?
Self assumes with help of mind!
*Mind consciousness shows us dream!
Self consciousness shows us Self!
*Mind consciousness shows!
Different people and things!
Self consciousness shows!
Only Self and nothing else!
*Mind is my tool!
Which shows!
Different people!
Different things!
*I am not the body!
I am the Self!
24 July 2021
If you want this Gyan
*If you want this knowledge!
If you want this Gyan!
*Your total surrender is required!
You must have nothing with you!
*You have to surrender your ego!
You have to surrender your pride!
*Why you are asked to provide?
Something or some documents!
It is to check your surrender!
It is to check your ego!
*Less surrender, less eligible!
More surrender, more eligible!
*You have to surrender your body!
Along with your every thing!
All things connected with your body!
Surrender your mind, intellect!
*You have to surrender!
Your family children!
Money property!
All your possessions!
*Surrender from mind!
Not just for showing!
*After that it depends upon me!
I return all these things to you or not!
*Then you will be eligible!
To receive this Gyan!
Then you will be eligible!
To receive this knowledge!
*Come without any ego!
Without any possessions!
Come empty handed!
And receive this Gyan!
*Even after this!
It is not guaranteed!
That you will receive!
This immortal Gyan!
*If you fail in first time!
You should not think!
That you are not eligible!
You may pass later on!
*Never be disappointed!
Continue your journey!
*Since it purely depends upon you!
And your surrender, ego!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
21 July 2021
If you want this Gyan
If you want this knowledge!
If you want this Gyan!
Your total surrender is required!
You must have nothing with you!
You have to surrender your ego!
You have to surrender your pride!
Leave the Aadhaar Card or Photo!
You have to surrender your body!
Along with your every thing!
All things connected with your body!
You have to surrender!
Your family children!
Money property!
All your possessions!
Surrender from mind!
Not just for showing!
After that it depends upon me!
I return all these things to you or not!
Then you will be eligible!
To receive this Gyan!
Then you will be eligible!
To receive this knowledge!
Come without any ego!
Without any possessions!
Come empty handed!
And receive this Gyan!
Even after this!
It is not guaranteed!
That you will receive!
This immortal Gyan!
Since it purely depends upon you!
And your surrender, ego!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
5 July 2021
It takes years
It takes years!
Or many births!
To know Almighty!
To achieve God!
As people do penance in forests!
Leaving their family, job, business!
You can do same penance in home!
Without leaving any thing in home!
Leave value of everything from mind!
No need to leave any thing physically!
Give value only to Almighty!
Don't value any other thing!
But those who receive Gyan!
Those who receive knowledge!
They book their seat for it!
In this birth itself!
First of all it is very difficult!
To believe on Almighty!
To have faith on God!
To believe on Atma!
If you believe on Almighty!
If you have faith on God!
Your half journey is complete!
Your half work is over!
Remaining half you have to do!
By Abhyas and Vairagya!
Practice and detachment!
As told by Krishna in Gita!
As you do your daily routine!
As you take daily food!
In the same way!
Continue your divine journey!
Do you ever ask?
I have to take food daily!
Same way, never ask!
I have to do penance daily?
Then you can know Krishna!
Then you can know Almighty!
Then you can know yourself!
Surely without any doubt!
13 JUN 2021
Never Mind
People react as per their understanding!
There are different levels of understanding!
If anyone says bad!
For you or your work!
Never mind!
He does not understand!
You or your work!
It is his shortcoming!
It is his incapability!
Same person will understand you!
When his understanding will improve!
When his ignorance will be removed!
Hence it is your duty!
To remove his ignorance!
Directly or indirectly!
Thus spread the light of knowledge!
Thus spread the goodness on the earth!
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31 JAN 2021
Bless me! My Krishna!
O My Loving Krishna!
This mind is top most sinner!
In the entire universe!
Kabir has rightly said!
Mujhse Bura Naa Koye!
It means -
No one is more sinner than me!
Bless me!
With your divine love!
With your divine mercy!
With your divine grace!
Make me pure!
By removing!
My all impurities!
I don't know!
How to worship you!
How to do your prayer!
Remove my ignorance!
For always!
So that I may help others also!
O my loving Krishna!
Nothing is impossible for you!
You can change!
Impossible to possible!
Possible to impossible!
Burn my all the sins!
Of mind, body and speech!
With the fire of knowledge!
By your divine mercy!
O my loving Krishna!
Remove my ego, pride!
For always!
With your divine grace!
I am too much weak!
It is not possible for me!
To remove my all these impurities!
You are master of all the masters!
For you it is very much possible!
Kindly look to me! O Merciful!
14 Dec 2020
I want
I want that!
Every one in our group!
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group!
Must have knowledge of Almighty!
I want that!
Every one in our nation!
India, the great!
Must have knowledge of Almighty!
I want that!
Everyone in our world!
This lovely planet earth!
Must have knowledge of Almighty!
Since it is the magic of this knowledge!
Since it is the greatness of this knowledge!
If one gets it, if all get it!
Darkness of ignorance will be removed!
Since ignorance is the cause of all evils!
If ignorance is removed!
If light of divine knowledge is there!
Then no one will die hungry!
No one will be without shelter!
No one will be without clothing!
Then no will die in reality!
Then all will be healthy!
By body and mind!
Then no one will be in pain!
Then all will be really happy!
24 Nov 2020
Levels of Knowledge
There are different levels of knowledge!
For children, different levels!
For elders, different levels!
For Scholars, different levels!
For knower of truth, different levels!
For someone, only something is spiritual!
For someone, everything is Spiritual!
For someone, only something is divine!
For someone, everything is divine!
For someone, only world exists not Almighty!
For someone, only Almighty exists not world!
Every one expresses himself by his own
level of knowledge!
Hence we should never mind, if someone doesn't express himself by our level!
Three types of knowledgeThere are three types of knowledge!
First one, physical knowledge!
In Hindi we call it Ratanaa!
It just repeating again and again!
Without knowing!
What you are repeating!
Second type of knowledge!
Repeating and knowing in mind!
This gives more benefit than first one!
But not the actual benefits!
Third type of knowledge!
Knowledge by soul or self!
Repeating and knowing in Atma!
It is called in Hindi Atmsat!
Aapne Atmsat Kar Liya!
It means you are fully aware of it!
People complain that!
They have read full Gita!
They have read full Ashtavakra Gita!
But they didn't get any benefit!
It depends upon yourself!
By which level of knowledge!
You have read it!
You have actually read it or not!
Happy Daughter's Day
Why two genders?
Why Almighty has created!
Two genders!
To bring the charm in life!
To run this world!
If there were only males!
And no females!
What would be condition of world!
If there were only females!
And no males!
How would be this world!
If either of two were not created!
This world would have been!
A place of boredom!
Completely dry!
Almighty thinks better than you!
You have individual mind!
But He is mind itself!
You have individual knowledge!
But He is Knowledge itself!
He always thinks better than you!
He always thinks better for you!
He is beyond imagination!
He is beyond everything!
If there are only males, no female!
This world will be full of fire!
World will not be place to live!
Stop female foeticide!
All are lost
All are lost!
In the crowd of universe!
Some are lost in TV Channels!
Some are lost in WhatsApp!
Some are lost in politics!
Some are lost in career!
Some are lost in films!
Some are lost in studies!
Some are lost in popularity!
Some are lost in rat race!
Some are lost in wealth!
Some are lost in business!
Some are lost in friends!
Some are lost in enemies!
Some are lost in family!
Some are lost in children!
Some are lost in beauty!
Some are lost in romance!
Some are lost in body!
Some are lost in mind!
Some are lost in comfort!
Some are lost in ego!
Some are lost in showing!
Some are lost in hiding!
Rarely you will find people!
Who are not lost in these things!
They are lost only in themselves!
They are lost in Almighty!
Such people are not sleeping!
They are really awake!
Even if you are lost in all these!
But with the knowledge!
All this is drama of Almighty!
Then you are not lost!
Who is Guru?
Guru is divine light!
Guru is truth!
Guru is divine knowledge!
Guru is bliss!
Guru is Gita!
Guru is Guru Granth Sahib!
Guru is Quran!
Guru is Bible!
Guru is message!
Guru is Shabd ie word!
Guru is order to you!
What is to be done!
What not to be done!
Guru is Dharma!
Guru is above religion!
Guru is above body!
Guru is above senses!
Guru is above mind!
Guru is above intellect!
Guru is above ego!
Guru is not Jeevatma!
Guru is Paramatma!
Guru is Almighty in a body!
Never confuse Guru with his body!
Never consider him a body!
It is very big mistake!
Always consider him beyond body!
Do not follow Guru, follow his message!
Do not follow God, follow His message!
Wishing You Happy Guru Purnima!
What is truth by body, mind and speech?
Truth by speech:
What is inside of yourself, you must speak the same as per your knowledge.
Truth by body:
Whatever action has been initiated by your body, same must be continued without any changes
subsequently in between till completion of the action.
Truth by mind:
Whatever you have thought in mind first of all, you will have to do the same. If there is any
change in thought, you can not change your action subsequently in between.
All three above are the truth by mind, speech and action or body ie Mansa Vacha Karmana!
Namaz and Prayer
If you are very big!
Devotee of Allah!
You do 5 times Namaz!
It is very well!
But it is not necessary!
That you must visit mosque!
You may do it in home!
It will give same result!
No need of showing to others!
If you do it alone in silence!
It is still better!
No need of any crowd!
No need of other people!
If you are very big!
Devotee of Krishna!
You do 3 times prayer!
It is very well!
But it is not necessary!
That you must visit temple!
You may do it in home!
It will give same result!
No need of showing to others!
If you do it alone in silence!
It is still better!
No need of any crowd!
No need of other people!
If you are in mosque or temple!
But you think about your home!
Then you are in home in reality!
Not in mosque or temple!
Since main thing is your mind!
And not your body!
Wherever your mind exists!
You exist there in fact!
Remove the darkness of ignorant!
By sharing this message!
To Muslims and Hindus!
Thus worship Almighty!
Translate it in your language!
If they don't know English!
Thus make use of your Education!
Light the lamp of this knowledge!
Why two genders?
Why Almighty has created!
Two genders!
To bring the charm in life!
To run this world!
If there were only males!
And no females!
What would be condition of world!
If there were only females!
And no males!
How would be this world!
If either of two were not created!
This world would have been!
A place of boredom!
Completely dry!
Almighty thinks better than you!
You have individual mind!
But He is mind itself!
You have individual knowledge!
But He is Knowledge itself!
He always thinks better than you!
He always thinks better for you!
He is beyond imagination!
He is beyond everything!
If there are only males, no female!
This world will be full of fire!
World will not be place to live!
Stop female foeticide!
3 February 2020
Love doesn't see the age!
Love is God!
God is love!
Love does not see the age!
Love is eternal without age!
Main thing is not the age!
Main thing is your thought!
Main thing is not body!
Main thing is mind!
Read about
Imran Khan
Who is Pak PM
Salman Khan
Shahrukh Khan
Akshaya Kumar
Sanjay Dutt
All Film-stars
They can do
Love and Romance
At this age!
Why not you?
They may be doing
Love and romance
With ignorance!
You do
Love and romance
With knowledge!
Thus welcome
In the light!
Divine light!
Divine knowledge!
Do romance with God!
Present inside everyone!
But without
Want of any fruit!
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.
You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-
Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger
Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost all of my posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost all of my posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal
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What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-
Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-
Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-
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Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-
Whomsoever I see that is myself-
Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-
Scenes do not exist even now-
Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-
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Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-
More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
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