If you can't find your own Capo d’astro bar, you should find someone who can.
Chris Greta
International Creative Influencer & Icon. Leading Leadership Leader. Jaded Ad Guy. Maxfieldian.
A few decades ago, I found an ad by a copywriter named Bud Robbins that changed how I did advertising.
And I do realize the irony of an ad inspiring me to do better advertising.
Bud was a copywriter and had put in a full-page ad in CA, the design magazine that all young designers went to for inspiration when they were out of ideas and needed inspiration. Like I did late one night with a deadline looming, the headline was simple.
"Looking for the Capo d’astro bar."
What the hell is a Capo d'astro bar and why would anyone care? Well, Bud knew a snappy headline would draw someone like me in, and it did and it changed everything.
The executive summary is simple. Somewhere in your company is magic that probably nobody in your company is there. There's buried treasure in your yard and you've all been staring at it for years without noticing. That's why you hire people like me to dig deep and find that magic.
But don't let the executive summary suffice. Take a minute and read the original piece. It will change how you look at your own brand messaging.
“Looking for the Capo d’astro bar.”
By Bud Robbins
Back in the sixties, I was hired by an ad agency to write copy on the Aeolian Piano Company account. My first assignment was for an ad to be placed in The New York Times for one of their grand pianos. The only background information I received was some previous ads and a few faded close-up shots…and of course, the due date.
The Account Executive was slightly put out by my request for additional information and his response to my suggestion that I sit down with the client was, ‘Don’t tell me you’re one of those? Can’t you just create something? We’re up against a closing date!’
I acknowledged his perception that I was one of those, which got us an immediate audience with the head of our agency.
I volunteered I couldn’t even play a piano let alone write about why anyone would spend $5,000 for this piano when they could purchase a Baldwin or Steinway for the same amount.
Both allowed the fact they would gladly resign the Aeolian business for either of the others; however, while waiting for the call, suppose we make our deadline.
I persisted and reluctantly, a tour of the Aeolian factory in Upstate New York was arranged. I was assured that ‘we don’t do this with all our clients’ and my knowledge as to the value of company time was greatly reinforced.
The tour lasted two days and although the care and construction appeared meticulous, $5,000 still seemed to be a lot of money.
Just before leaving, I was escorted into the showroom by the National Sales Manager. In an elegant setting sat their piano alongside the comparably priced Steinway and Baldwin.
‘They sure look alike,’ I commented.
‘They sure do. About the only real difference is the shipping weight—our is heavier.’
‘Heavier?’ I asked. ‘What makes ours heavier?’
‘The Capo d’astro bar.’
‘What’s a Capo d’astro bar?’
‘Here, I’ll show you. Get down on your knees.’
Once under the piano, he pointed to a metallic bar fixed across the harp and bearing down on the highest octaves. ‘It takes 50 years before the harp in the piano warps. That’s when the Cap d’astro bar goes to work. It prevents warping.’
I left the National Sales Manager under his piano and dove under the Baldwin to find a Tinkertoy Capo d’astro bar at best. Same with the Steinway.
‘You mean the Capo d’astro bar really doesn’t go to work for 50 years?’ I asked.
‘Well, there’s got to be some reason why the Met uses it,’ he casually added.
I froze. ‘Are you telling me that the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City uses this piano?’
‘Sure. And their Capo d’astro bar should be working by now.’
Upstate New York looks nothing like the front of the Metropolitan Opera House where I met the legendary Carmen, Rise Stevens. She was now in charge of moving the Metropolitan Opera House to the Lincoln Center.
Ms. Stevens told me, ‘About the only thing the Met is taking with them is their piano.’
That quote was the headline of our first ad.
The result created a six-year wait between order and delivery.
My point is this. No matter what the account, I promise you, the Capo d’astro bar is there.”
It's there. My entire career in this business has been searching for that elusive reason why my client's customers should care. You've got a Capo d'astro bar and you should find it. If you can't, I know a guy.