"If you can't find your North (Star), find your South!"
Justine Lambert ??
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I believed for a long time that knowing what you want to do in life ("who you want to be") is an impossible question to answer. Ask this to 18 y.o. humans and this question almost turns into a joke. At least, that's how I felt when I finished high school. I told everyone I wanted to addend a political science school because it was a really hard one to get into. I wanted my answer to impress others (read my family), rather than make me happy.
I recently listened to a great podcast about creativity by Killian Talin, and something he said resonated with me. "If you can't find your North (Star), then find your South". Below is my take on this saying:
Finding your North will take time (years, not months).
Finding your South will help you find your North.
You're equally defined by your North AND your South, and you do need both to be satisfied in life!
If you don't know what makes you happy, know the things which don't and try not to replicate them too often.
Spend time having the jobs you don't want to have, spend time knowing the type of people you don't want to be surrounded by, spend time learning about the values you don't want to be associated with, and slowly start running away from these.