You Can't Change the Past, But You Can Feedforward to a Better Future

You Can't Change the Past, But You Can Feedforward to a Better Future

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership and personal development, the concept of?feedforward?has emerged as a refreshing alternative to traditional feedback. Coined by renowned executive coach?Marshall Goldsmith, feedforward focuses on the promise of the future rather than dwelling on past mistakes. Let’s explore this powerful approach and understand how it can transform our interactions and outcomes.

Firstly, What’s wrong with Feedback?

Feedback, while essential for growth and improvement, can be tricky. Let’s dissect some of its nuances:

1.???? Fear Factor: When faced with feedback, our primal instincts kick in. We might feel the urge to fight, flee, or freeze. Even the likelihood of positive feedback can trigger this response! It takes skill to deliver constructive feedback effectively.

2.???? Everyday Culture: In organisations where feedback is part of daily life, this fear dissipates. But many still reserve it for formal performance reviews, which can be nerve-wracking, especially when pay is tied to ratings.

3.???? Recency Bias: Feedback often focuses on recent events, overshadowing consistent patterns. Our brains latch onto what’s fresh and, perhaps, our original impression (Primacy Bias), and fails to remember what's happened in between.

4.???? Feedback Sandwich Myth: The traditional “feedback sandwich” (positive-negative-positive) isn’t foolproof. We remember the first and last slices—the praise—but miss the meaty piece in the middle!

5.???? Immutable Past: The fundamental challenge lies in feedback’s backward gaze. We can’t alter what’s already happened.

So, what is Feedforward?

In contrast, feedforward is dynamic, expansive, and forward-looking. As Marshall Goldsmith says ‘we can change the future but not the past.’ The beauty of feedforward is that it encourages us to envision a positive future and provides actionable suggestions for improvement. And it’s really easy to activate feedforward ourselves.

Here’s one way we can initiate feedforward for ourselves:

  1. Choose a Behaviour to Improve: Identify an area (e.g. leadership, communication) for enhancement.
  2. Ask for Ideas: Ask colleagues or your manager for two positive suggestions to help you change. Listen attentively and take notes.
  3. Express Gratitude: Thank them for their input. Don't promise to act on all suggestions!!
  4. Act: Implement the most useful suggestion.
  5. Visibility Matters: Update those who provided suggestions; it reinforces your efforts and builds relationships.?If that person is your manager, this helps them notice and acknowledge what you’re doing!

Why Feedforward Works:

  1. Focus on the Future: Unlike feedback, which dwells on the past, feedforward directs our attention toward what lies ahead. It empowers us to shape a better version of ourselves.
  2. Positivity and Solutions: Feedforward is inherently positive. It emphasises solutions rather than dwelling on mistakes. When we help others improve, we foster a collaborative environment.
  3. People Embrace Feedforward: People appreciate ideas that align with their goals. They respond well to feedforward because it aligns with their self-image and aspirations.
  4. Anyone Can Provide It: Unlike feedback, which often requires knowing the person, feedforward can come from anyone familiar with the task. Helpful ideas matter more than knowing what the current practice is.
  5. Less Personal: People don’t take feedforward as personally as feedback. Constructive feedback can sometimes feel like a judgment, whereas feedforward is about improvement.

The Two-Minute Impact:

We find that giving and receiving feedforward takes just a couple of minutes, yet its effects are profound. Imagine a workplace where colleagues routinely ask for and share ideas for growth, where positivity fuels progress, and where everyone contributes to a brighter future.

So, let’s embrace feedforward. Let’s create a culture where we uplift one another, where suggestions are gifts, and where we replace the 'dread' of feedback with empowerment and focus on a better future together.

If you sense there's more to achieve, if you desire to elevate your leadership and magnify your impact, then we invite you to reach out to us at [email protected] and discover how our Elevate coaching or our SOAR Leadership Programme can empower and support you as you embark on a journey of growth, fulfilment, and transformation.

We’ll be delighted to help you.




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