You Can't Call Yourself Healthy If Your Thoughts Suck
Alex Darby
Executive Business & Integrative Nutrition Coach | Women’s Health Advocate | Workplace Wellness & Habit Change Expert
A healthy body is wonderful, and it's easy to think 'job done' on the health front. Problem is, and the one thing that so many people miss, it's only half the picture. The parts of us that needs to be worked out, toned, nourished and fine tuned all start with our thoughts.
We think a crazy amount of thoughts every day (50-70,000), around 80% of those do not serve us, in fact they are thoughts that feel alien to our progress because they are naturally negative. And although our brains have a clever filter, known as DDG in NLP: Deleting, distorting and generalising, not having a handle on what is being DDG'd can keep us stuck.
Unless we do our thought work, 98% of our thoughts are recycled from the day before, locking us into a cycle of around 56,000 thoughts a day that are not serving, and worse, holding us back in negative thought spirals, a.k.a. stopping us taking the kind action we need to take to get on and achieve the kind of success we dream of.
In the words of Eckhart Tolle:
"The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but the thoughts about it, Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking"
Unhelpful thoughts, are not healthy.
What can you do right now to change the patterns?
2. I'm figuring this out = positive, motivating and doable.
I'm the most inquisitive person most people have met, because I know our thoughts come out in our conversation so my ninja listening skills come in pretty handy. I can spot them a mile away, it's what makes me such a good coach (I've done my own thought work on self promotion ??) If you listen carefully, you'll start to spot them too. Your thoughts creep into everything you do and because you have 100% control over them, getting into the habit of working with them, rather than letting them run a mock over your life, has the potential to change everything.
So, when thinking about your health, next time you're out for a run or down the gym, put a podcast on to help you think more about the positive future you, rather than the you that's stuck in a rut.