You can’t always know what you want (but quallies do) - a recap of Qualitative360 Europe 2017
Jens Cornelissen
Managing Director @ Merlien Institute | Communications & Events Specialist
Last week was special in many ways, first, Amsterdam showed itself unusually sunny for February and second, we hosted the largest Qualitative360 Europe conference yet. The conference was a two-day long buzz filled with great presentations from around the world, surprising food samples (more on that later) great discussions and catching-up with many familiar faces from the qual community. Here are some of my highlights and key take-aways.
Starting out with a bold claim that consumers think they are very unique and different from each other, but in fact think and act similarly around the world, General Mill’s Irem Ataibis Erdem set out what continued to be an underlying theme of many presentations. Consumers may not always know what they want, feel or think – or at least have difficulties expressing what they truly think and believe....
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