You Can't Afford Not To Build Customer Loyalty
It costs ten times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep one!
In both good times and bad the lifetime value of a customer can be exponentially greater than the value of a series of single transactions from one-time customers. In this era of social networking, it only takes one Tweet or Facebook negative comment to seriously damage a company's reputation making it harder to attract new customers.
One or more bad customer experiences can cost you that customer for life.
Hospitality, travel, restaurants, retail, healthcare, and financial services are especially prone to losing existing customers to their competitors, especially after your customer has had a bad experience from one of your employees.
Let us not forget that in today's connected business environment customer facing also applies to call centers, customer service departments, help-desks, and technicians.
Incoming call centers are usually a company's first line of defense against customer defection as they bare the brunt of a customer's initial confusion, or anxiety. How they handle the customer in this faceless environment is in some part determined by their training and their innate six customer service aptitudes listed below.
Knowing what those aptitudes are and having an assessment to help identify future customer facing employees who possess these aptitudes is a great hiring strategy for any company, large or small.
There are six intrinsic factors that influence one's perception and attitude toward customers.
Our Customer Service Profile Assessment
measures these six aptitudes in your customer facing staff.
Learn how each plays out in the customer experience.
Insights For Performance - Who We Are
Since 2003 our employment assessments and talent management solutions continue to provide clients with a competitive advantage by hiring the right people matched to the right jobs, while providing software that streamlines the application and performance management process.
Step One Survey (SOS) is a brief pre-hire assessment that measures an individual's basic work-related values. It is used primarily as a screening tool early in the candidate selection process. This assessment provides valid insight into an applicant's work ethic, reliability, integrity, propensity for substance abuse, and attitudes toward theft - including property, data, and time.
Customer Service Profile (CS) measures how well a person fits specific customer service jobs in your organization. It is used primarily for selecting, on-boarding, and managing customer service employees. The CSP also looks at what your current and future employees believe is a high level of customer service, while at the same time showing where they align (or not) with the company's perspective. The CS has a general industry version of this assessment as well as vertical specialties in hospitality, healthcare, financial services and retail.
Performance Management – Goal Management – Learning Management
A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin
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