No, You Cannot Just Focus on Quality
Alicia Pozsony
Resilience Expert, Mental Health Ambassador, Keynote Speaker, Speaker Coach, Career Coach, Wellness Podcast Host, Author, International Society Writer, Journalist, Risk & Compliance Manager, Prior Host on Power 98.5 FM
Quality is the start.
And the end.
But a company has to invest in quality during the life of the project or service.
Processes have to be instituted.
Risk has to be brought to the surface and mitigated before it happens or after, but it has to be done. It can be done at the expense of the company through an audit, or proactive measures can be done to do business the right way. We are human, so mistakes happen, but leaders need to own up to the issues at hand and invest in corrections. And doing so during the life of the project will improve the end result.
In many roles, I have improved the interdepartmental workings through efficiency and saved revenue and gained improvements by analyzing the details and getting feedback from team members. Continuous improvement is worth the effort and an investment that proves worthy time after time in today's economy.
I have been involved in other companies that wanted to keep doing things the old fashioned way and find mistakes at the end of the life cycle. Projects came in over budget and understaffed. They lost profits quarter after quarter.
So, I say:
" No, you cannot just focus on quality."
"Focus needs to be placed on leaders to review and minimize risk, become more efficient and improve quality."
Passionate about Motorcycle Safety - I am an MSF-certified RiderCoach at Rider Education of New Jersey (
7 年Well said, Alicia!