You cannot jump over a precipice for 99%. You either jumped or fell

You cannot jump over a precipice for 99%. You either jumped or fell

We talked with Oleg Braginsky about skills, which are essential in the world.


Found out how he managed to do everything – starting new ambitious ventures, spending time with the family, working out. Basically living the life many people promise to start on Monday.


About myself.

Me? Anxious person who thinks: anything that can be improved should be improved.


“The genius of efficiency” – a literary conceit. A flattery one but I hardly can rely on this. There are a lot of people who have achieved something significant in their lives. From my window, I can see the statue of Lermontov who passed away at the age of 26. However, he had done more than I can ever imagine. Who is the genius of efficiency – me or he? Of course, he is.


Challenge is a natural part of my life.

There are accomplishments I am proud of. For instance, I every day write articles gaining from 10 thousand of views. For the past two years, I have published two million of symbols. It is like two volumes of “War and Peace”.


Physically I suffer when I see negligence, inaccuracy. I want to come and fix it. Close relatives call me a Komsomol. Often in airports or on journeys I help someone, translate from one language to another or hint what to do.


Every day I run 10 kilometers and swim two kilometers. I do 1000 push-ups. Read a book. I review three books in Facebook weekly. Every three days I give an interview and a podcast. This is all beyond the main life.


A lot of people are surprised that I read fast. However, there are people who read faster, type text faster than me. On the one hand, many people look at me and say that I do more than others.


On the other hand – I understand that someone significantly surpasses me in every skill. No time to relax.


Constantly see people better than me.

People who inspire surround me. Mostly – Mahatma Gandhi. The person, which was not supposed to be great. He has achieved the greatest and meaningful things. For me life is an opportunity to do something more.


When people say that they want to buy a car, an apartment, raise children, I think that I have it already. There are things that are more significant. You can have impact on the destiny of village, city, and country. I want to influence the world.



Many think that my image – building personal brand. Not an attempt to show off. I sound rhetoric: play in the league where there is no need to show off.


When I wanted to become the first in LinkedIn, spent 90 days on 763 experiments. In the social network with 460 million of users, I have become the most viewed person in the world. These are planetary things; there is no place to compete with myself.


Brand creates the content, not bragging.

Those who do not know me personally think I am a robot. They assume that I constantly improve myself. Efficiency is to do routine and do what you like.


Every Sunday and Saturday, I read a ten hours lecture for future troubleshooters. Before the class, I have to wake up and read a book. In the evening, I come home and reply to hundreds of letters.


Sometimes I think that I just can stop reading books, replying to letters. However, I put myself in a tough spot. I understand that every day people expect me to answer. I cannot neglect my duties. I have to do them.


Life experience

Life shows that extra-efforts lead to extra-results. Mother taught me the Russian language, literature and to read fast.


I believe that every action counts.

At home, I had a gorgeous library of classic books; I read it before the 7th grade. With mother, I cited writers and poets imitating their styles. I wrote like Tsvetaeva, Lermontov, and Pushkin.


In life, I had a few moments that changed me. When I moved on to the 4th grade, found out that I could not do pull-ups. That shocked me so badly, I started training, working out.


In the 8th grade, I entered to the correspondence school “Quant” run by MSU. When I got my textbooks, I was surprised: they appeared to be more complicated than in usual schools. However, I managed.


It was hard to apply to Kiev Polytechnic Institute. I came from the city with population of 5000 people. Many classmates finished schools with mathematical background, they were already programmers. It was easier for them. That is why I studied more than others did.


Fortunately, I lived in a dormitory with a guy from Sri-Lanka. In the daytime I studied with others, in the evenings, I attended additional courses for foreign students.


About slow life

Awareness and ordinary life is not bad. Just pay attention: there are two extremes. Hard-workers and those who prove that it is more comfortable to live common life. Those who are engaged in slow-life have nothing to be proud of. Not everyone but the majority.


I do not have time for that. Prefer spending it usefully. When I need to clear my mind, I run. Without music, in silence. This period for me – time for meditation. There are many moments when you can do something and think about nothing. However, to allow time especially for that – sacrilege. Youth, health are too valuable to lose them.


I am fan of mountains. I have been on all the eight-thousanders. climbed all the mountains of the Soviet Union. Just walking on tops, looking around – the best meditation. It is not necessary to seat and do nothing.


For me resting is changing activities. In order to do 100 push-ups, you need to be unconscious. Forget about muscles, just do push-ups.


About comfort zone

I read all books about coming out of comfort zone. What does braking out of comfort zone mean? 90% of people who live outside of big cities do not live in their comfort zone.


My grandmother lived in Cherkasy Oblast, up to 70 years she had no gas, no hot water supply. Who could tell her about the comfort zone? At the age of 25 I came to her on a rover with a mobile phone, chopped wood and carried buckets of water. If you want to tell others how to step out of your comfort zone – do it yourself, then show off.


Books on breaking out of your comfort zone are sold out. But every paragraph has water, no interesting thoughts. How are books about theatrical speech, manners, color matching? Bad, because they are not promoted.


All speeches on the comfort zone from evil. It is like uggs; a nice story was told, we believed int that and started wearing. Although, they look bad.



 I give 30 minutes to write an article. If I did not finish it in time, they would release it without me. I write on adrenaline and do well. The same with reading books in one hour and so on.


Live on constant adrenaline. Doing work intensively is good.

 When I have deficit of time, workability increases. Many people believe that in the basement I have hundreds of slaves who write for me. But it is not. Now I write on 77 topics, will increase it up to 2000.


I have a plan I am following. Others “lick” an article in two days, I cannot afford it.

 I do not feel time. I am a strict opponent of a regime. I know that I need to sleep and eat at one time, but when I can I follow body’s wishes. I do not have a regime, I am not fanatical. I do not like alarm, but if it rings – get up right away.


Then – push-ups. Look through the list of things. Go brushing my teeth with special procedure: tighten up stomach doing squats. This is a mini workout. Then routine – shaving, shower.


How do I relax? You will not believe. I have a perpetual motion machine inside. I do not want to relax. Want to do it like for the last time. I am trying to give my best.


The battery works when you need to illuminate your way. I am constantly thinking that every second it might be dark.


When you wake up early in the morning jump right from the reef to the ocean, it is likely that there will be a great white shark. Do you come up with idea to jump? No. It is better to live now, it is interesting. What is to happen, that will happen.


It is not about fatalism. It is about making efforts every second.


On work-life balance.

All close relatives know what I am doing. I negotiate calendars with my loved one. Agree on when she works and when I am busy. Gently explain that you need to make a mark of the date when we are planning to see a musical or go to a theatre.


Family is the most important.

 In advance agree on meetings – it is the same expectations from the future. On the one hand, at first it causes grin and misunderstanding. On the other hand, I will be there for sure.


If I am said that they need me, I stop working regardless of its importance. Sometimes at night I go to bed, an hour later I woke up and continue working. My family needs an alive person, not a robot that raises a hand on command.


On planning and technologies.

 Although I am an IT guy, I hate gadgets. I believe that it is a leash.


When I work in a major international company in Frankfurt, I was asked what I needed for work. I was suggested a laptop, a printer and a pager. I chose only a laptop. Because other things can be done by other people.


Wi-Fi, Google and Wikipedia are crutches. My brain does not need them.

 I do anything to be autonomous. Many times, I was abroad with nothing. I got that a human in foreign countries with lack of language, documents, money – is no one. For me it is important to survive. Be someone. That is why I am ready to have nothing, but a desire to earn money and survive.


I write a plan for a day in a regular notepad. Do not use special systems of increasing efficiency. What is the point to make it complicated?


I have friends who can say: “Today I do not run – those are wrong sneakers”. I think: stop. I can run in a two-dollar T-shirt and shorts. I do not want to be a hostage of super cool swimming googles. I want to start doing in any second with no excuses.


On opportunities and competitiveness.

 Cars will say what medicines to take. How to dress. They will pay wages. We will be in a utopia. Many professions will not be in need. I understand it. That is why I want to influence the system of education.


Unfortunately, artificial intelligence and robots leave a lot of people behind.

 I want people to acquire important skills and be in need. For 20 years of career I have managed to be in 13 directorship positions. Security, risks, IT, retail business, call-center and so on. I realized that it takes half a year to learn a skill.


Those who have more skills are competitive. That is why I founded “School of Troubleshooters” and start a course on the LABA platform devoted to skills which are crucial now.


On skills

 I teach people to read, write, count, memorize fast. Share knowledge about ethics, algorithms, big data, provocations, motivation, self-defense etc.


What skill is the most important? The first one – touch typing. Absorbing the skill, you can type five times faster than a regular person. It allows to get rid of assistants, need to explain anything to others. You can make notes in real time.


I can speak to you and record our conversations for both. You can write an article and stop looking at the keyboard. It can be compared with a raindrop. Once and the text is done.


The second skill is speed reading. Many arrogantly believe that they type and read fast enough. Once I saw a girl in “Dzvon” café near “Salut” hotel in Kiev, she read in front of me 170 thousand of symbols per minute. She is capable to read a book in 2-3 minutes. When they asked her questions on the book, she answered it precisely.


This is what I call speed reading.

 The third one is shorthand. The ability to write in real time. I have webinars on this topic. All skills are basic. Like ability to walk, speak, drive a car.


When I few years ago shared my plans upon the school, people laugh at us.


On changes and their usefulness

 People are afraid to change, they have reasons for that. The first one is complacency.


Once I was at dentist. The doctor said: you have healthy teeth, but they are bit crooked. At first I lived with it, then I decided to correct it. Started wearing caps – clear braces at night. Once I got the right bite, started noticing others’ overbite.


That is why self-improving is to know what is wrong with you, understand how to fix it and develop with determination.


Efficiency – to know what you do not know. And fight with it. Decimal percentages differ a great person from a regular one. A great company from a common one. You either jumped or fell.


When people climb on Mount Everest, they know it is dangerous. But when they start a company, they are sure they will be lucky. No. There are people who improve themselves, there the rest.


We all want to found a start-up, sell it for billions. Nevertheless, regular mind is not enough for that. The majority came to me and showed their ideas, but firstly you need to learn how to look, dress, then come and ask money.


Nevertheless, everyone thinks of their and their projects’ uniqueness. Self-development starts when you realize: to be on top, you need to fight. Self-development starts because of anxiety. We all do not want to know we are lazy and useless. We want to be better. However, we seldom do this.


On critics

 I speak at different conferences, write article. There are people that say I did not say anything new. I think: really, nothing new? Because I read so much, work so hard. But there are people who criticize.


“School of troubleshooters

After every article, I get tons of messages where I am shaded. This is a part of my life. And paradox: most people that advise are nothing in particular.


I am like a nail on the ground you are clinging to and having a desire to hit it.


Favorite books

 Sun Tzu, “The art of war”

 My favorite book. Short one, but every phrase has deep meaning. For example: “War is a way of deception”. I can think about this forever. Or: “You must plan prudently if you want to succeed”.


Linda Kaplan Thaler, Robin Coval, “Grit to great”

 The book contains a lot of cases when ordinary people became great. This is a book of examples. When systematically people were doing something, they achieved high goals.


Niccolò Machiavelli, “The Prince”

 The textbook of incredible cunning and treachery. It seems that it does not happen in the real life. However, unfortunately, I have experience in different organizations, countries. Saw a lot.


Gregory David Roberts, “Shantaram”

I have been in India many times, had projects in this country. The book has a deep understanding of mentality. I understand how the author thought and how characters behaved. For me they are “convex”, not abstract.

Akio Morita, “Made in Japan”

Akio Morita is a person who founded “Sony”. For the life, he has managed to come the way form ramen producer to the head of the company everyone dreams of. He wrote that once Japanese products were worse than Chinese ones. The company tried to make the sign SONY and “made in Japan” as small as they can. Since it guaranteed low sales. Time has come, the company is the symbol of quality.


Author: Oleg Braginsky

Translation: Marina Alexandrova

Source: LABA



