"You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and...
Emma G - Vocal and Songwriting Coach, TEDx Speaker, Mentor
Helping high achieving teens and professionals find their voice through music and mindset coaching | Elite vocal and songwriting coach | TEDx Speaker | Musician
... you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
— Jane Goodall
I'm curious... When you listen to music, do you pay the most attention to the lyrics, the melody, or the beat? As a singer-songwriter: I've always been obsessed with lyrics, but time and time again: I'm reminded that they don't always hook a person in. However, I do believe it's the lyrics that ultimately make the most impactful impression.
I mean, think about it. How many times have you had a line of music stuck in your head, only to realize that the lyrics you've been singing to yourself for the last three hours are "hey, I just met you / and this is crazy / but here's my number / so call me maybe" or "a little bit of Monica in my life / A little bit of Erica by my side /A little bit of Rita's all I need / A little bit of Tina's what I see?..."
Erm. What? And, more importantly, what are these songs teaching us?
Well. As we know, our words inspire our action, which ultimately becomes our habits, and our life, and this past week, there have been not one, not two, but three instances where I’ve been reminded just how significant our everyday actions can be. Whether it's within our families, workplaces, schools, or communities, like it or not: how we show up each day influences the world around us.
The rhetoric has always been something along the lines of "never underestimate your ability to change the world"
Of course, in each of these instances, I've been reminded about conversations I've had with my coaching clients, discussions I've had with audiences after keynotes, and songs I've written about... well, saving the world.
One of those songs, in particular, is one that I actually embarrassingly kind of forgot about [stop judging me. I wrote and released it five years ago haha. A lot has happened since then].
Here's the song:
And in case you missed those lyrics, here they are:
"I don't wanna hold your hand / If I can touch your soul / It's a solitary dance / If I'm doing this alone... We can change the world / We can make it if we try / We can save the world / If only I could make you smile"
In other words: it doesn't matter how small our actions... every accomplishment starts with a single step. Even something as simple as a smile can have a HUGE impact on the world.
Of course, Smile wasn't a one-off for me. If you've known me for longer than a week, chances are you're aware that I've always been about writing songs for and about, well, people. Community. Social justice. And living in harmony.
That's why I chose “Harmony” as the first single from my upcoming album, "Fight the Fear," a name chosen by my online community, The Dream Team. If you're not already a member, come check it out. It’s a space where we support each other, share memes [okay, they're mostly memes I post - who doesn't love to laugh?] and celebrate the power of our individual voices.
Anyway, here's the official lyric video for Harmony ICYMI. And, of course, it is 10,000% on brand ;-)
Every person’s voice matters. For me, my voice finds its most authentic expression through the songs I write and perform, so I’m deeply grateful for your support of my music, and I hope my songs help you feel seen, validated, and inspired. Music has a unique ability to connect and uplift us.
This belief is also at the heart of the upcoming Youth Empowerment US Tour, which kicks off in just seven weeks [!!! Can you believe it?!]. There are many young people across the country who don’t feel heard or seen, so through this tour, I aim to help them embrace their voice as a tool for self-expression and connection. Every young person has a unique story to tell, and I’m excited to help them find the confidence to share it.
Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. As you go about this week, remember that every action you take and every word you speak [or sing!] makes a difference. Let’s continue to show up for ourselves and each other, creating a world where every voice is heard and valued..
Have an amazing day on purpose,
Emma G
P.S. Huge thanks again to everyone at the Penn State Health Childrens Hospital Pediatric Oncology Department for having me along to be keynote speaker at this year's graduation ceremony. ICYMI, here's the live, unedited footage of my presentation.