You Cannot Argue with Color Logic and/or                                                                        What your eyes are telling You

You Cannot Argue with Color Logic and/or What your eyes are telling You

Visioneering Nucleic Acid Double Strand

Red,Orange,Green Purine Team

Guanine Deaminase

you cannot argue with logic

Evolution of the Heptad 7 Nucleotide 

IMP to XMP to GMP to RNA DNA G7 transmembrane signaling protein superfamily.

Think what this simple linear purine nucleotide to superfamily protein inheritance tree. Everyone knows guanine nucleotide pools are essential for life and cellular network communications. So every time a Guanine family member performs a function its sugar and phosphate backbone utilized and degraded, a new GMP needs to be made. How is this possible without the Inosine IMP and Xanthosine XMP precursors or progenitors of guanine nucleotide pool supply level is replenished, an IMP and XMP are involved in either purine salvage or purine synthesis de novo, for increasing the guanosine nucleotide pool. 

Just because high throughput deep sequencing IMP and XMP don't show up in the sequencing transcript does not mean they don't exist. It means the sequencing technology is not designed to sequence more than ATGCU. 

Inosine = I and Xanthosine = X are necessary for life and cellular growth, RNA transcript editing and alternative splicing, and the elimination of toxic ammonia from brain, liver, and kidney tissue. Logically, IMP1, XMP1,GMP1 ... IMP2,XMP2, GMP2 .....  for every GMP nucleotide there must be an IMP and XMP in the GMP pathway which is part of the integrated whole purine anabolic and catabolic cycle. 

How anyone can deny IX in any genomic code is beyond my comprehension.

The expansion of 28% = 1%+2%+3%+4%+5%+6%+7% = 28 = second perfect number. 6 +28 = 34 =7 . Seven is the master number in any 1 digit numbers since it the largest prime = invariant linear prime position. The Heptad and Heptameric nucleoporin shaped blood-brain barrier is but one example of the power of 7 as a unit. An organizing principle nature's universe, with carbon based life forms are too numerous and prominent to mention here.

Let's begin with  the tiniest mass particle known to man; H- (hydrogen gas electron - 1. H+ proton has 1836 times H- mass but a 0 charged atom. 

The electron or negatively charged ion is directionally clock wise. Proton move electromagnetically in a counter clock spin just as the earth spins or rotates on its spherical axis and the far, far away galaxies, spiral counterclockwise.






Below is a simple example of what is described above.

This simple reaction of Guanine Deaminase occurs every time an amino acids transaction occurs. Every Protein performing the vast majority of work performed in keeping the cell safe and healthy. Every Protein Complex releases NH3 as "waste" in oxidation/reduction or water H2O centric. 

Guanine + H2O = xanthine + NH3

The simple fact that Guanine and Xanthine are co-dependent on each other directly infers everytime Guanine is deaminated a Xanthine substrate has to be available to accept the toxic NH3.  

Ask yourself if this reaction slowed to almost a halt, what would happen to all the NH3 that would pool at this Guanine deaminase catalytic core domain.

If you want to eliminate toxic guanine generated toxic NH3 in any peptide amino acid 5' NH2+ peptide head, you need xanthine which makes it an equal partner. One cannot survive without the other. That is why nature, in her infinite genomic wisdom made the new class of molecular structures known as Nucleotides (pur/pyr base + sugar + phosphate). The nucleotides 3 components are part of the natures master plan to protect and secure the most valuable compressed multi-dimensional knowledge covering 3.5 billion years of carbon based life on planet earth.  

It is illogical and foolish to act as if something nature has included into human genome, was the accumulated biomolecular chemistry and electronic-protonic CNS which allows for enough external input feeds to trigger and epigenetic event and how that problem signal was handled most efficiently. 

The Species Mind of Carl Jung where radiational signals have different gene alleles frequencies which are mapped in a neural network like " The Borg"; alright the "Star Trek" borg metaphor might cross the line between science and science fiction. 

Adenosine needs Inosine to survive; Guanosine needs Xanthosine to operate its very GP7 transmembrane which allows communication between inside and outside the outer phospholipid cell walls; GP7 is the "Big brother protein" from the Guanine family Nucleotide. DNA to RNA to Protein. DNA and RNA are nucleotides. 

I am again asserting the current canonical Watson-Crick 5 Nucleotide base pair Genetic Codes:   DNA = A1T1G1C1 : RNA genetic code = A2U1G2C2 = A2T1G2C2U1 = 5 UniqueNucleotide Genetic Code.  Adding Inosine to be Adenosine partner in many critical genomic metabolic reaction and Xanthosine to be Guanosine so the new 7 Nucleotide Code become ATUICGX complete the purine/pyrimidine nucleotide anabolic and catabolic circuit or in this case purine nucleotide synthesis de novo (IMP); cheaper, short cut for increasing nucleotide/nucleic acid pool is through synthesis salvage where the closed purine ring is saved by HGPRT for GMP,IMP,XMP; APRT for AMP. Finally Catabolic Degradation of the spent nucleotides which contained the genetic material and its encoded evolutionary semi-conserved genomic code. Crick's "frozen genetic code" has been debunked, so there is no reason for IMP and XMP to fully mature to ITP and XTP.

Historical research demonstrates ITP  and XTP donot belong in DNA since they allegedly are carcinogenic in the replication process. Nitrous acid causes mutations and nature has devised a few methods i.e. ITPase which neutralize ITP and XTP for DNA operations but not for the RNA domain where 97% of the human genome is non-DNA/Protein centric. 

The small RNA molecular world has revolutionized genomics and will continue to do so for many years. But it's chances of enhanced gain of function evolution are now being reduced because two of the family members (Inosine and Xanthosine cousin family) are being left out. With 2/7 = 28% potential functional domain causing the organism (us) to become weaker and weaker, generation to generation after the entire human genome has no functional metabolic pathways, CNS, or replication and meiosis are non-functional.

Mankind will be but a footnote in history, as carbon based life goes on, just like the dinosaurs 60 million years ago ruled earth. We are hastening our demise as you read these words.  

If my logic is incorrect, please someone have the courage to agree or disagree on this fundamental issue in the Life Science, who wants the matter "swept under the rug" because it seems like the 5 code Infrastructure is working good enough.

Prescription drug toxic side effects tell us other wise, and GMO's life cycle has not had time to measure its effects on humans.

Please join me a pledge resources to devise and perform the ultimate validation study. The current 5 code ATGCU vs. Novagon DNA's 7 code ATGCUIX.

There is so much riding on this issue, we can no longer turn our back and hope mother nature will always fix things. You would be right. Nature would fix things by extincting homo sapiens, wondering why she ever let us leave the protected trees we inhabited just a short while ago, in Evolutionary Time.



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