You can win most of the battles with your heart

You can win most of the battles with your heart

Boy to his father: Papa, please accept her. I love her. Just because she is from different caste, you simply can't reject her. She is a very nice girl. Father: No, she can never be my daughter in law. You bring any other girl from general caste. I will happily accept her but a girl from lower caste. No. Never. Son: Papa, please. She is really a very nice girl. Starts sobbing and crying while his mother is also crying seeing her son crying and begging for his love. Father: If you want to go, you can go and get married. You are an adult and have a good job. You can live your life with her but never come back to us. Son: Standing still in shock that his father has actually said those words. He never imagined in his wildest dreams that his father would disown him for loving a girl from lower caste. In the end, son decided to not marry the girl because he can't afford to loose his family as parents are god's gift and you can't replace them.

Answer to the question is not all the time heart wins. If it was so, son would have convinced his father, his father would have understood his son's emotions and feelings. Sometimes, we can control our mind, sometimes it may happen that we love someone yet we choose not to show it. But then the heart is that mischievous kid inside you, it keeps on peeking and smiling behind the curtains and laughing, keeps on tickling the mind, yet the mind is so stubborn, it keeps saying “no, not now.” I am a daydreamer and I keep imagining situations, go on and move ahead if you wish to read and get your popcorns ready, or else you can skip to the end. So, let's imagine the case for most of our generation today. The heart lies inside a prison, and the mind is the gatekeeper. The heart tries hard to go out and express itself, but the mind just won't let it be.

The mind sometimes becomes so brutal that for a moment, the heart knocks down unconscious. And the mind wins. But then, the heart, it wakes up from a dream. It knows what it has to do. It fights with the mind, keeps fighting till the mind finally gives up and says ‘Jaa Simran jaa, jee le apni zindagi’ (Go and live your life- a popular Bollywood dialogue). The heart is emotional and psychological & the mind is logical and practical.

Mostly, human beings are taking decisions on an emotional basis rather than thinking about it and the repercussions of their decisions. We simply do what makes us happy and relieved. If we do what the mind is telling, our decision may be right but we won’t be satisfied. So, we have the tendency to go with something which is easier to pursue rather than something which requires lots of effort. Hence heart wins the battle. But if both mind and heart work together, real success can be achieved!

The most basic thing that we have to understand is that heart is for blood pumping and not for thinking and understanding. So those who thinks their heart is second sensory organ… you are not true dear. There is a slight difference in between the thinking of brain and that of the heart. In actual our brain works in two directions. In this… brain will give us logical response towards something… it will tell us what is right but hard to do….. maybe a sacrifice …….. this is brain's thinking. In this….. brain tell us to maintain comfort….. it will dictate us easy doing….. this is heart's thinking. That's why those who said we think or act according to their heart.. they are sweet in nature.

Both the thinking have their own benefit but as we all wanted a good life with easy picking…Heart wins over brain and when faced with a decision or conflict, your mind may come up with numerous, different and quite logical reasons why you should act as it advises, but if you listen to and trust your heart—however illogical or irrational it may seem—it is usually right and you are happier as a result. Because your heart is in left, but it's always right. And thus, folks, this is how the heart won after all the trials and tribulations.

Between heart and mind ! Brain dead are still alive, any reference for a person who survived after the heart stopped? Well the winning is not between the heart and the brain, but rationality and emotions. Facts and feelings. It happens that emotion and feeling get the better of us because their roots run deeper and stronger into us. Life survives on feeling, sensing and emoting. The fact and experience we gather, are input from the outside world. While emotions, feeling and intuition are the output. We living creatures are I tiny representation of the cosmos all answers are within us.

Venturing in the right direction leads us to accurate knowledge. This knowledge within is manipulated with external input of other wanderer's. The output weighs more because its meant to. But a misguided, distorted, troubled, in need of help output, would mar the purpose of the whole dynamic of emotions, feelings intuition. Having a capacity and capability to healthily use feeling and emotions would always work in once best interest. This skill needs to be inculcated through effect and authenticity guidance that helps one under the value and importance of the inner power. Cheers!

Thank you for sharing ?? ?? ??.



