If you can...
Talk about Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, MLOPS, Artificial Intelligence , UI/UX consultant
?If you can laugh you will have many reasons to laugh. There is no measure of happiness that today, just a little work is done with happiness. The attainment may be small or big, but you are giving your best, are you not? Then the complete joy of that attainment should be natural. Laugh to the max. Laugh in such a way so that you can feel that the universe within you is feeling enriched with you.??You are the best version of yourself. You are not a dummy actor. You are original. If you try to be like someone else or imitate them you will lose your originality. Be yourself. Yes you can and you can achieve any goal if you keep your originality. Action speaks better than words.
???Always try to maintain your originality in your works. Then you will never feel insecure. Because your originality will keep you away from fear. And you will enjoy what you do. If you can help, help others. Helping others makes you feel enrich, at least you have something to give to others. If you want love, you may not get love. But if you want to give love then no one can stop you.
??If you can, you can. No one can stop you. If you can share someone's grief, it will create a sense of belonging. Which will build a strong bridge between mutual relations. And will make you more lovely.?
??So always be your original version.