You Can Save the World
You are not a picture, you’re a painting. Color, texture, light. You are a work of art, not some mechanical reflection. You are timeless; your essence, your soul. And that is what I hope to capture. Some semblance of that timelessness. You project it, I craft a composition.
There is of course a very practical need for pictures. Today, maybe more than ever, we need to see who we’re ‘talking’ to. So much of our communication now happens in this virtual village we call the internet. But a mere passport photo won’t do. It could do, but it won’t. Because that kind of photo lacks nuance. It lacks personality. And what’s happening is that social media is draining the personality and nuance out of us. I have made a bet that people need and want more than I.D. photos. They want to be seen for who they truly are. In fact I bet my life on it.
You don’t have to be a poet to have a soul, or to show it. Amy, above, is one, so being vulnerable and open is in her DNA. It’s also in yours. I know this because I have photographed hundreds of people who claim to be camera shy or adverse to being photographed. I get it. We’re not used to being seen. Really seen. And it’s striking to see oneself in any other frame than a mirror. But I argue that we have to look at ourselves as we truly are, and we have to allow others to see us.
Not to get too dramatic here but this is how we save the world. Truth. Honesty. Love. And it starts with you. And yes your photograph, because that’s your affirmation. You are no longer faceless, you’re a citizen of this new republic. You made that decision when you created your LinkedIN profile or your Facebook page and certainly your personal webpage if you have one.
No more crappy headshots. No more I.D. photos. Let us feel you, and get to know you as you truly are.