You Can Only Be You
Has the work force made you become someone that you are not and cause you to have a problem sleeping at night? You dreamed the dream of moving up the chain of command. If you must use the stab in the back method now and then so be it.
Has the work environment changed you to a level you have found it hard to laugh at the simple facts of life? The little things that use to bring a smile to your face seem to have left or you don’t have time to appreciate their beauty any longer.
If this is the case, you may have been pulled in to a sink hole that is so difficult to get out. Why is this sink hole so hard for you to remove yourself? At first brush the job seemed exciting, but trying to run a mile at the hundred-yard dash pace will get you tried in a hurry.
You know this is not who you are and you are uncomfortable living and acting this way. You know the pace of this job, the keeping up with the Jones is starting to have a negative effect on you and your family life. The things that use to be fun are not fun anymore. The weekend of fishing, movies, or cookouts seem like a dying breed. Weekends use to be great and now they are for trying to get a little rest from the rush of the job.
This happens in the life of millions of families in this country. We must sit back and take a good hard look at ourselves. this is not what we bargained for and this is not what our mate came on board to experience.
Let’s take a good hard look at what we are doing and see if we can make this a better situation. Remember change is not easy, but change we must.
Perhaps we can make a change if we have a long talk with our mate, doctor, church leader, or anyone who has an opinion you value. What are you doing now that you were not doing six months ago? Examine any new friends, or habits you may have picked up along the way. Take another look at your degree, or trade school certificate, and see if that is what you had in mind when you worked so hard to obtain this goal. You joined a company that was almost one hundred years old. After you leave, the company will still be moving along as thought you never darkened the door way.
You may have to sit down with the boss and work some things out for your good and the good of the company. Review your job and tailor it to fit what you are currently doing. You are making excellent money, but you cannot take it with you. Your family must play a part in this, all the money in the world will not replace them.
Stay well for a long time to come. You can only be you!