You can make it, if you try!!!!!

You can make it, if you try!!!!!

Top of the morning and best of the rest of the weekend my friends! The final holidays of the year are upon us and I believe there's a unusual statistic I stumbled on this week that you might find of interest.

Did you know that the two (2) weeks before Christmas has become the premier time for couples to break up?

More than any other time of the year however Christmas Day ranks as the least.

So if you been having issues and can make it to Christmas Day. You just might receive the best Christmas present of the year, whether you've been naughty or nice!

?One more thing on this subject and it comes from the prominent African-American scientist and inventor George Washington Carver. Who was the first American of African decent to have a national monument erected in his honor by then President Harry S. Truman.?

Mr Carver said "How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.

"?Merry Christmas" and may the year ahead be one of your best. Enjoy the doughnuts! I'll see you later.

You can.. but talent has to be there too. You have the voice and talent.



