If You Can Make it There, You'll Make it Anywhere, and Other Learnings from Entrepreneurs in China
Isabelle Roughol
Building news organisations where people love to work|Journalist & media executive|Public historian
A few weeks before markets crashed and the word China came to be systematically juxtaposed with "crisis," "devaluation" or "slowdown," I went on a study tour of Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou. The picture our group was presented with was quite different: a booming economy where opportunities abound if only you could sustain the pressure. You'd expect the people we met – tech executives, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists – to be upbeat about the economy. They live in a world where success depends largely on believing you'll succeed. But it's also true that as much as China's slowdown is real, the growth rate it does experience – 7% in dubious official data, 6.3% according to economists' consensus – would be the envy of any US or European government. There are real entrepreneurs creating things at a speed that boggles the mind. Here are a few things they taught us.
When in doubt, copy. Our study group met with Baidu, Xiaomi, Alibaba, Tencent and more. Nothing has felt entirely original or unseen in Silicon Valley. In fact, a fun game to play is to mix and match Chinese companies with their US inspiration: Alibaba is the Amazon of China, Baidu is Google, Xiaomi is Apple, Didi Kuaidi is Uber, Sina Weibo is Twitter, Renren is Facebook... It's called the C2C, or Copy to China, model. Some companies go so far as to copy US sites to the pixel. Exhibit A: Jianshu is (nearly) Medium. But that model is on its way out: the biggest companies may have been inspired by US counterparts, but they quickly morphed to better fit the particular Chinese market. The failure to adapt to local idiosyncrasies is one reason, though by no means the only one, why so many US companies (Google, ebay, Amazon...) failed to make their mark in China. It'd be a gross underestimation of Chinese entrepreneurs to think they can only copy. And why reinvent the wheel? First you catch up, then you pass. They've done all this in a decade or so. Where will they be in 2025?
You don't know what fast means. The Chinese market is so insanely competitive, if you haven't implemented your idea within a couple months of having it, someone else has. One entrepreneur we met was developing 20 apps – 40 really if you count the iOS and Android versions – and has already created, piloted and ultimately killed another 20. When we talked, one B2B app he built was just a few months old and on track for $15 million revenue this year. The pressure matches the opportunity: Six-day workweeks seem to be common, not just for founders but for employees as well, and I suspect a few must have laughed at the outrage following the Amazon work culture piece in the New York Times. Par for the course here. Which is why I say, if you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere.
You know nothing about scale either. You don't build an app for a couple million users; you start with a couple million users. One app with 300,000 active users was casually referred to as "a pilot." Tencent acquired up to 200 million (!) mobile payment users during Chinese New Year by building a digital version of the traditional red enveloppes. China is one of two, maybe three, self-contained Internet markets. Everywhere else, you have to build international in from day 1 if you hope to scale. In China – the other two would be the US and India – the domestic market will keep you busy a while. One sight really brought this home: looking down on the city from the Shanghai World Financial Center, I had in my sights more living souls than in all of Australia.
Your users may be here today, gone tomorrow. Over and over again, we were told that Chinese users are sophisticated, pragmatic and open to new things. Even older users will send stickers on WeChat or sell their wares on Alibaba. (Caveat: we visited urban China and the Chinese people we met were very much the 1%. There are three Chinas: the international metros like Shanghai and Shenzhen, the tier 2 and tier 3 cities home to the manufacturing masses, and rural China.) There is little friction to trying something new – and little friction to leaving one app for the next best thing. To succeed, you must be hot, new and in front.
You can never throw too many people at a problem. While showing us around Baidu, our host sheepishly admitted the company only started with 70 employees. When a Tencent app isn't really popular anymore, they don't kill it – they keep two people on staff to maintain the app until it dies its own slow natural death. Everyone's eyes – especially the product managers' – in the room widened: do you know what we would do for two more headcounts on our products? This may not last much longer though: a Shanghai venture capitalist told us the war for talent is heating up. Wage inflation is high, and so is turnover. (The economic slowdown may temper this.) A developer here already costs half of what they do in Silicon Valley: cheaper sure, but not cheap enough to hire blindly.
Nothing's so different as it looks. If you're an older tech company, you're wondering how to move your desktop business to be more mobile and social without compromising your legacy revenue lines. If you're an upstart app, you're rushing to capture more of the market before your competitor does. And if you're in the transport business, Uber is your biggest nightmare. Different language, same problems.
Do you have experience building tech companies in China? What else would you point out to an entrepreneur moving into the Chinese market?
With thanks to all our Chinese hosts, to Henry Li for organizing a fantastic trip and to the many colleagues who helped me put together my thoughts and let me read their notes.
good reporting and great insights!
CEO at Toronto Hockey Store & Goalie Heaven Ltd.
9 年Gordon Chang says. “But now they’re devaluing and that tells us that they’re panicking. If they’re panicking at 7 percent GDP growth, that’s just not credible. It is credible if they’re growing at 2.2 percent but it’s not credible at high single-digit growth.” Today China published more propaganda..... "New stats suggest China's electricity consumption has surged about 3 percent year-on-year in August, a positive indicator for economic expansion. According to China's top economic planner, China used over 460 billion kilowatt hours of electricity from Aug. 1 to 28. This is also nearly 5 percentage points higher than in July. In the first half of this year, electricity consumption in China has added 1.3 percent, with the growth rate hitting a five-year low. The latest figure also shows China's rail freight for coal, steel, iron and petroleum remained stable in August, a sight expansion from July. Li Yangzhe with the National Development and Reform Commission explains the latest stats. "Judging from the current situation, the power consumption for August is likely to keep the 3 percent growth year on year, and it.. will continue to climb in September. Based on these factors, the economic operation showed a positive sign." Last month, both the official and Caixin General China Purchasing Managers' Indices have renewed their contraction....... If China is contracting who is telling the truth. Is Linkedin telling us the truth.
CEO at Toronto Hockey Store & Goalie Heaven Ltd.
9 年Isabelle, I have to agree Jayesh Dave. Linkedin wasted their money by sending a bunch of students to gather notes. Japan got out of a recession and they're very competitive with China. That is why they devalued their currency. China has a good propaganda machine, which is perhaps better than Russia. Just think of it this way, you got a good meal and perhaps a free trip to China. Trust me, economists are not in agreement with their economic growth of 6.3%. Their statistics are not to be trusted. I have a sneaking suspicion their electricity consumption is manipulated. But then again, that's another story.
Technology Leader | Project Portfolio Management | Risk & Compliance | AI-ML and GenAI enthusiast
9 年Isabelle, interesting read. To be honest, it’s more like notes you have taken during your study tour. Technology industry landscape in China is quite different from your article. When it comes to innovation, Chinese companies know little about competition, Government provides strong support mechanism (read barricade real competition from International players) to these companies. Xiaomi, Tencent, Weibo, etc. don’t have to spend a penny in expensive lawsuits while copying from their American originators. All they have to do invest in head-count to copy product, make it Chinese (translate content in Mandarin and make cosmetic changes) and they are good to go. Billion+ people in China cannot access Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. as they are banned in mainland. Let the customer have choice and time will tell whether Google prevails or Baidu. In China, companies don’t do business, government does business through companies. Success mantra is don’t woo customers, persuade government to wade out competition and you’ll be big in China.
CEO at Toronto Hockey Store & Goalie Heaven Ltd.
9 年Isabelle, your study group learnt absolutely nothing about China. "The Chinese market is so insanely competitive, if you haven't implemented your idea within a couple months of having it, someone else has." When it comes down to the Silicon Valley, the Chinese understand about technology, their only option is to steal technology, not to surpass it. Silicon Valley is tecnology, it is America. And for you to say otherwise, is ridiculous.