You Can Learn To Manage Others Successfully
Brian R. Smith-PLD
Transforming today's managers into tomorrow's leaders by helping them communicate and interact more effectively, build collaborative teams, resolve conflict and motivate others to perform at their best.
We aren't born knowing how to manage others; it's a learned behaviour. We can learn how to communicate and interact more effectively, build collaborative teams, resolve conflict, find creative ways to solve problems and motivate others to perform at their best. Don't just let your management career happen to you. You must be more strategic in defining your management style and become the manager you want to be. You can learn to manage others successfully.
Leadership is not something that a person is born with. It is a life-long learning journey.
Successful managers can view their team's mistakes as opportunities to coach and teach them what they need to know - so those mistakes don't happen again.
Successful managers understand that desired outcomes result from parking their egos at the door and doing whatever they need to do to get the results. And sometimes, their team will do it differently than they would have.
Successful managers understand that they need to create an environment conducive to learning. Given the proper circumstances and environment, they know that adults can learn new things.
Successful managers know they can't do it alone and must build collaborative teams. They surround themselves with others who can do some things better, stay out of their way, and let them do it. They resist the urge to micromanage.
Successful managers understand that they don't need to know everything and that asking for help or advice is okay. The more they include their team in the decision-making process, the more likely their team will want to be part of the solution.
Successful managers understand that not everyone is motivated the same way - but everyone can be motivated. Motivation is inside out - never outside in. If you help them reach their goals, they will be motivated enough to help you reach yours.
Leadership is practiced not so much in words but in attitude and action.
You get to choose what kind of manager you want to be. If you want to manage others successfully - then you have choices to make. Choose wisely. I've listed a variety of things that you can do to manage others. Successful managers understand that it's a team sport. They realize they need their team more than their team needs them. Take the time to get to know everyone on your team for more than their work. Establish rapport, build those all-important relationships, show respect and earn their trust. You can learn to manage others successfully.
Copyright 2024. Brian Smith, Power Link Dynamics - wrote this article without the assistance of AI. It may not be reproduced without permission.
If you want to learn more about building collaborative teams, resolving conflict, or finding creative solutions to solve problems, contact Brian at - [email protected].