You can help some kids in need today
Patrick Gerding
VP Federal Sales at Kyruus Health | Driving Growth and Innovations | Passionate about Veteran, Military, and AI/AN health
Each August I am pleased to participate in a very special event that raises operating funds for the Four Corners Home for Children. A division of Navajo Missions, FCHC provides shelter, provisions, and education to homeless Native American children who’ve suffered neglect and abuse. They are a faith-based interdenominational organization and receive no state, federal, or tribal funds but rely entirely on resourceful financial partners both locally and throughout the U.S. to operate their programs. Most of these partners are individuals just like you. Here is a link to the FCHC website with more information.
The San Juan River Bi-Fly tournament is their biggest annual fund raiser, bringing in tens of thousands of dollars each year that go directly to FCHC operational expenses. This is no ordinary fishing tournament, however! In the Bi-Fly, each participant gets sponsors to pledge a gift to FCHC based on the size of the largest fish they catch. To make it even more challenging, each participant is only allowed two flies for the entire fishing day! If you’d like to learn more about the Tournament and fishing the San Juan, here’s a video featuring my father Bob (who passed away in 2013) and his twin brother Dick on the river:
If you're interested helping, please send me an email at [email protected] and let me know you’d like to sponsor me and support the kids. Just tell me your name, your full mailing address and dollar per inch pledged. The average fish caught in the tournament is 16 inches and the largest recorded was 26 inches. I'll complete the pledge form on your behalf and in September you'll receive a payment reminder and the official copy from the tournament with the total pledge based on my biggest fish.
Thanks for considering my request. I am always amazed by the wonderful spirit of charity and generosity that is so present in our community. I certainly understand if you're not able to pledge, so I'd be especially grateful to you for a few good thoughts or prayers next weekend that we all stay safe on the river and – more importantly – that someday a home for kids like this won't even be necessary any more.
My sincere appreciation and thanks,
><((((o> Patrick