You Can Have Anything You Want

You Can Have Anything You Want

Read time: 9 minutes, 07 seconds

You can have anything you want, anything you wish for, anything you desire. You only have to do these two things.

You have received without paying, So give without being paid. Matthew 10:8b

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Daily, I prayer walk with Jesus, as He has told me to do. During these prayer walks, I usually declare memorized verses in the bible that pertain to my heart’s desires, things I’ve been praying for to happen in my life physically, spiritually, and financially. Or sometimes I just bask in the beauty of nature around me.

Whatever the case may be, whether I’m declaring scriptures or just silently walking, this is my business meeting with the Lord, a time to connect with Him and know what He wants me to do in my personal life, business, and ministry.

What I Want

This one time I was walking, I was sharing to the Lord my big dreams and desires:

  • Have my books come into the hands of influencers that would share about them with the world and land my books in the world’s best-seller lists to give them more credibility and reach more people.
  • Have $2M in reserve in an investment account for passive income for my personal and business expenses.
  • Own a $100B business that blesses billions of people and produces trillions in passive profits every year.
  • Earn at least $150k to $150B/month in passive income that will give me and my family total time and financial freedom but most importantly generate 99% tithe to fund the assignments of God in the world, blessing billions of people in my generation and for generations to come.

Huge dreams, right? Nearly impossible, even.

But the Lord has given me promises about them that I claim and declare everyday.

This is one of them:

But other seeds fell on good, rich soil that kept producing a?good harvest. Some yielded thirty, some sixty, and some even one hundred times as much as he planted!
Matthew 13:8 TPT

The Lord has inspired me to sow financially (10% of my monthly income given to His chosen ministry) for financial increase this year. Those dreams above that I shared with you? Those were the 30-60-100 fold returns that I’m claiming for as my harvest.

I know what you’re thinking. I’m crazy. Those dreams are impossible! Why do I know you’re thinking that? Cause I’m thinking them too.

That day, while I was imagining and declaring these dreams to the Lord, I was also thinking at the back of my mind, will these really happen? How can these happen? Maybe I’m just wasting my time and effort believing for these big dreams. Maybe I shouldn’t be so bold as to believe these dreams to happen.

The John 15:7 Promise

Suddenly, at that point, I looked up, and there before me, I saw a white truck with John 15:7 printed in bold red in front.?

I knew it was a message from the Lord in answer to what I was thinking just at that moment. But I don’t know what that verse was so I hurried to the Blessed Sacrament Adoration chapel so I can look it up in my Bible on my phone.

What do you know? The Lord really knows me inside and out and assured me with that particular verse:?

If you remain in Me and My words remain in you [that is, if we are vitally united and My message lives in your heart], ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.
John 15:7 AMP

Amazing, right??

Jesus is saying to me: It’s ok for me to ask for these big dreams. You can “ask whatever You wish.” Those are what I wish for, my heart’s desires.?

I like that He said, “It will be done for me”. It will not be through my own effort, no hustling and bustling to achieve these dreams. It will be done for me.

But I have to do two things though:?

  1. I remain in Him – live vitally united with Him
  2. Let His Words remain in me – His message lives in my heart.

Why is this significant?

Because when I?remain in Him and His words remain in me, I will not be asking for anything that is not His will for me and not backed by a promise in His Word.

But if I ask according to His will and promise in His Word, I have every confidence that the authority of Heaven will back me up and He will make it happen.

How do I remain in Him and let His words remain in me?

Two things:?

  • Cultivate your prayer life
  • Cultivate your Word life.

Cultivate Your Prayer Life

Spend time with Jesus. It may be an hour, or 15 mins, it doesn’t matter. What matters is we dedicate a time to just spend with Him as a friend to know Him more. To know His plans and dreams for your lives.

I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for. Jeremiah 29:11 GNBDK

Then throughout the day, be mindful of His presence with you. Shoot Him short bursts of prayers: prayers over the food you eat, ask for help in whatever situation or care you have, thank Him for every little thing, etc.

Cultivate Your Word Life

Make the Bible your best-read book ever. It is your manual for living. Read it daily. Reflect on it. Memorize verses that speak to you for any situation you have. Make a journal.

How I do it

I usually do my prayer time in the morning right after I wake up cause that’s when I’m most alert. I’m a Catholic so I start with the Holy Mass. If I can’t go to Mass, I start my prayer by doing a 5 min-mindful meditation, thanking God for anything and everything this day. Then I search for the daily Mass readings online on my phone and I reflect on the readings.

Then I journal what the readings that day mean to me. How it spoke to me and my current situation in life, what I think the Lord is speaking to me through these verses. I write my prayers down like I’m writing to a friend, to Jesus. I pour out my heart to Him in my journal writing.

This really helped me grow in my prayer and word life.

Then throughout the day, I listen to Christian music, or teachings on YouTube. I use upbeat Christian music so that I won’t fall asleep while working. My favorite is?Toby Mac. My favorite Christian preacher on Youtube these days is?Gary Kasee?because he teaches me how to grow and operate in the Kingdom of God in all areas of my life, especially health and finances.

At night, before I sleep, I put on Scripture verses being read with ocean background that I downloaded from YouTube on repeat using my phone while I sleep. My favorite is?SoakStream.

This way, day and night, I dwell on the Word of God and grow closer to Him every time.

My gift to you

That’s why I want to offer you this new ebook I’ve written:

I am Blessed! 31-Day One Minute Prayer Journal to Unleash God’s Blessing Daily.

This book will help you for 31 days to:

  • Devour (reflect on) the Word of God for just one minute daily cause I know you’re very busy,?
  • Declare it so you Speak Christ into your life daily, and?
  • Deploy it, which means you’ll be guided to obey it with the journal questions at the end.?

You’ll also have a place to write your journal reflections. If you get the PDF, you can print this part every month again and again.?Get the book here for FREE with your best gift.

You can also?order a spiral-coiled paperback version of this book online, if you want to hold a book in your hands, through It’s a spiral-bound book so it’s easy to write on like a notebook. It’s not free though cause of the printing cost. will take care of shipping the book to you.

It’s available on Amazon too in ebook, paperback, and hardcover.?Get the hardcover book here

My desire is that this book will help you cultivate your prayer and word life, declaring God’s blessing on your life, daily. So you can have anything you want and live your dreams in Christ.

Oh, those dreams of mine? They’re as good as done. It’s just a matter of time.?

How do I know that?

Because of?the John 15:7 promise. Jesus said that those will be done for me. I just have to make sure to remain in Him and let His words remain in me.

Like this promise in?Ephesians 3:20?that I hold on to:?

Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you. Ephesians 3:20 TPT

You know what I do with this verse? I put myself in it, make it my own, and declare it daily.?

Here take a look:

I never doubt God’s mighty power to work in me and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than my greatest request, my most unbelievable dream, and exceed my wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes me. I believe it, I receive it, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

That’s how you make a scripture verse your own.

Try it for 31 days.?Use my ebook.?

Now Your Turn

What are your dream or dreams? Can you share it with me so I can help you pray for them? Check out our?SpeakChrist Angels hub, follow me so you can DM me, share to me your dreams and I will pray and believe with you for your dreams.

Share to God your dreams in prayer and ask Him to give you a scripture verse that you can claim and declare for your dreams. Then you can consider them done in faith.

Remember, if you remain in Jesus, and His words remain in you, you can ask for whatever you want, and it will be done for you.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord,
Thank You for Your John 15:7 promise. You said that if I remain in You and let Your words remain in me, I can ask for anything I want and it will be done for me. Help me do it daily. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

?Published on

This is it for now. Till next week.

To our health, wealth, and victory — GODSPEED!

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