You Can Go Far
Like many people, I was born into a divorced family.
My mom, a new immigrated to this country in the late 70’s
It seems like a million years ago…
But we’ve come a long way
I made my way to the US the along with my siblings not long after my mom
At that time I didn’t speaking a word of English, but proud that I could recite the alphabet.
So here we are my mother a single parent not knowing the culture or speak the language had to raise 3 young children by herself in a foreign country.
We didn’t see her very much, only late at night when she would come home, exhausted from night school.
As kids, we were oblivious to the dangers, although something always felt vulnerable, and we were too afraid to ask.
None of us knew what was in store for us.
Moving 4 times in one year, adaptability was our superpower.
None of us understood and were ignorant to know how fortunate we were at the time…
In a stroke of genius. My mother somehow made personal loans as then a mortgage to finally buy a house for us to live in
That ONE SINGLE IDEA paved our path
That one home turned into 13 homes in our family portfolio and growing…
(BTW, we still own that very first home)
The one idea is that real estate as an asset is power, the power to create security, legacy, and growth.
You see, my mom’s dream was that each family member should own their own home so that we would be secure
She has achieved that much more.
As Steve Jobs is quoted in saying…
“… you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever….”
Because my mom changed our lives, I have a chance to change so many lives through real estate
But the real question is, whether or not you’re in the market for buying a home in the next 6 months or maybe in the next 3-5 years…
You’ll want know what it takes to buy a home in today’s market.
Just hit Comment below and let’s talk about your options.
Because I know YOU and YOUR family can go far too.
Leo ??