“If you can dream it, you can do it”, and why this quote offers nothing.
Apologies for the negative headline, but we will get to the positive soon!
This is a big part of the reason I do this stuff, so maybe people will stop dreaming and start doing. Let’s pick this statement apart, one piece at a time...
1) “If”
Everyone can dream. So, you can remove this straight away its filler for effect. Effect that makes no sense.
2) “If you can”
People know "if they can" or "if they can’t". 3 out of the 9 words in this quote are now completely redundant.
3) “If you can dream"
Everyone can dream.... Are you talking about day dreaming here or sleep dreaming? I sometimes dream about falling 100 stories off a building and brushing myself off, are you saying I can do this? This statement isn’t only pointless, but it is evidently dangerous.
Or is it referring to day dreams? I day dream about some weird stuff that would get me in some serious trouble… are you saying I should break the law, embarrass my family, hurt my friends?
4) Now for the whole thing.” If you can dream it, you can do it”
Let’s say that what you dream is physically possible, obeys the laws of physics, and won’t be breaking the law. What is this quote doing? What is it saying? Should I just sit here dreaming and then immediately start doing something? This kind of quote is usually positioned next to someone doing some incredible feat of strength. But I can’t dream up that strength, the mind is powerful, but come on... And I’m damn sure they don't even follow their own quote! So these people are liars too? Yes. yes they are.
Now let’s try and close this gap. If you want to do something, have you first understood why you want to do it?
If you want six pack abs, why do you want this? is it to impress the chicks, are your goals purely aesthetic? Then look for a new “why” because this will not motivate you long term. Do you just want something because it will impress your mates? Then you don’t actually want it, you’re just responding to external forces that you have probably conjured up in your head and that don't actually exist.
Step 1) Establish your "Why", and make sure it fits your true values and not other people’s values.
Create targeted goals, don’t just sit there dreaming, put specific goals and actions in place to make sure you aren’t dreaming the rest of your life, like so many people do.
Step 2) Create goals and actions to achieve them
If you’re dreaming too much maybe you’re sleeping too much and hitting that snooze button a few too many times. If you are, maybe you need to create systems that help you achieve your goals. Put that alarm clock on the other side of the room if you’re dreaming too much, empty the fridge of junk food if you want to lose weight, remove any barrier that may result in you not achieving your goals.
Step 3) Set up systems
How many years have you been dreaming, have you set goals and still the dreaming continues? Then maybe your goals aren’t aligned with your values. You know what to do now? Iterate and review those goals and make sure they align with your true values.
Step 4) Review and iterate.
So here is my version of the quote....
“If you can put a plan in place that aligns with your values and goals and stick to that plan no matter what, then you can do it” … damn… doesn’t quite have the same ring to it…