You Can Do That
You Can Do That
Have you ever watched a show where someone talked about how they overcame the odds and achieved some pretty amazing results? Or read about how someone took something small and provided a great deal? We see these people all of the time. They are experts in their fields. We see them on television, in the paper, and in the most important conversations. They have knowledge that we are willing to stop and hear, their thoughts influence us to purchase books and other materials in order to gain some of the described insight. But wait a minute; what do they have that you don't? Just exactly what talent do they possess that is somehow elusive to you? Is it their education, upbringing, pedigree, or who is in their inner circle? In my view, some of that may apply but it pales in comparison to one small, yet game changing ingredient.
They Took Action
You can do that which you see but you cannot do it on the sidelines. You cannot do it day dreaming. You cannot do it by simply talking about it. You must take action. You must be willing to put it on the line to move from where you are currently to where you want to go. It is as simply as going from "Yes you can do it" and shifting the narrative to "Yes I am doing it" Taking action means that you are willing to get out of your comfort zone. You are willing to get off of the couch and do something meaningful. You take steps towards building your message, strengthening your story, and changing the outcome from Average to Awesome. It requires action that you may not have imagined you had to transition from Opening Act to The Show. Don't be alarmed because your current self may say No You Can't. The inner talk may become concerned because you are moving from Mediocre to Marvelous simply by saying I Can Do That. No matter what has happened to this point, there is certain shift that is taking place to alter your existing perception. Something is different this time. What the difference is simply your belief that You Can Do That!
Shift Your Message
Shift rather than be shifted. It comes down to how you want the narrative to work. Do you want to be in front of changing your story or are you going to allow circumstances to change it for you? Are you going to be a victim of chance or victorious thru the struggle? When you see someone who is successful, what goes thru your mind? Is it How Did They Do It? or Why Can't I? Get out of any envious emotion you may be tempted to have. Learn from those who have become successful, not simply to emulate but to allow you to shift the process from Student to Mentor. Learn the habits they have developed to champion their success. You have every right to be successful but it is not going to be handed to you. There is much required and it begins with a decision to get started.
Don't Talk About It, Be About It
So many people talk about moving up and making an impact. They continue the conversation until the subject focuses on excuses as to why they cannot. The justifications sound good but they are simply an invalid explanation. While they talk, we can move up by taking massive action. When you come up with the plan or idea, immediately take some sort of action towards making it happen. You do not need the How as long as you remain focused on the Why. The mechanics and order will become apparent but the key is to simply get started. You can be that person by simply getting started. By taking action, you have moved beyond the doubts that you should even try. Sure, there will be obstacles but you got started so why quit? You made the decision and you took the first leap of faith. Keep moving and pressing towards that person others look to for information, incite, and inspiration.
You can do that... Whatever you decide that to be.
When it come to demonstrating Value You can do that
When it comes to the next challenge You can do that
When it comes to the next book You can do that
When it comes to letting the past go You can do that
When it comes to the next great speech You can do that
When it comes to running for office You can do that
When it comes to owning a business You can do that
When it comes to a promotion You can do that
The key is to see yourself as the person who can do that and do just that!!