1 Peter 4:10" As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace" .

Romans 12: 6-8" Having gifts that defer according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness".

"You were born into the world to fulfill a specific purpose in life.May you recognized your unique calling".

God gives you the passion, the energy, the security, the provision and the power?for whatever he calls us to do on this earth.

Recently, l was invited by someone in our Church to conduct the funeral and burial service for his dad. I agreed to do it because of the love that l have for that church member.

Before, I was invited to preach and conduct the funeral service, one family member of the deceased approached me and said that member's of the Hari-krisna cult who arrived earlier numbering about thirty wants to perform some rites at the funeral before l preach. I told them no after l asked the family whether the dead person was a member of that ocultic group. They responded no. They said they were sent by the brother of the deceased who lives in the USA to come to the funeral to display their ocultic religion with the aim of winning souls at the funeral. You see how Satan and his agents wants to use every opportunity to win souls for their kingdom? We Christians no longer care about perishing souls or even support the winning of souls with our money.

?Those people have not forgiven me for thwarting their plans to display their things at the funeral. They fought me spiritually for a few days. I see them in my dreams trying to harm me in various ways in addition to their evil incantations against me.

?Take your assignments on this earth seriously because it is the reason why God is still keeping you alive on this earth.

The call to be a preacher of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is a serious one that comes with serious challenges and spiritual battles.

There are preachers who themselves or members of their family have suffered various attacks and sometimes death because of their intermediary/intercessory roles. The enemy launched counter-attacks against them and their family members for playing their spiritual roles and for leading people from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Christ's marvellous light. The genuine preacher is always willing to serve people but when they are in need there is often no one to pray for them and even meet their physical needs.

At times, God calls us to something big, something that seems hard to accomplish. At other times, God calls us to things that are not quite so challenging such as forgiveness and the need to love people. God doesn't only call people to accomplish difficult things like being a medical doctor, architects,engineers, preachers, businesswoman/men, mathematicians etc.?God's invitation to for example to forgive someone who has hurt us is very important to God.

Someone hurts me so badly sometime ago and I swore that l was never going to forgive the person. In fact, l was so hurt that l even prayed that God should show this person that l am truly His servant so that the person will not dare mess with me again. Later, l saw this person in my dream begging me to forgive her.That is how important forgiveness is to God. Walking in unforgiveness affects our relationship with God and our prayers.

Some callings take a lifetime to answer and challenge us, such as the call to forgive or the call to love as God loved us unconditionally. It sometimes take years of prayer and perseverance to stay in God's invitation to remain in our assignments on this earth but God's obedient grace is always offered to help us.

Sometimes callings come in bunches, with a domino effect. Answering one's call can open the door to hearing many others.

When God calls or invites us to something, we can accept, refuse, or procrastinate. It's up to us.If we ask for the heart to know and follow God's will in our lives, we can truly live a life of discernment, that is, a life in sync with God's heart. In the other hand, we can can miss God's call completely.Even then, God is patient with us and will lovingly keep inviting us closer.

What excuses do you have for not doing the things you love to do? Is your excuse money? Yes, money is very important to carry out our assignments effectively but advancement in technology and the availability of various social media platforms gives you the opportunity to show the world what God is capable of doing through you.

This article you are reading will be shared on all social media platforms. I have people all over the world who reads my articles and watches my live videos on Facebook weekly. I have a network of amazing people l can call a family through social media. Last week, l shared an article on marriage and the feedback from various people in different countries was overwhelming. One gentleman called me and shared the terrible challenge that his marriage is going through.He said he has been married for ten years with two kids but for the past five years he and the wife have just been pretending that all is well with their marriage because they are church leaders. He said for 5 years now the wife doesn't allow him to have sex with her over an issue that happened 5 years ago. He said he has asked for forgiveness and sought the intervention of counsellors and their Pastor to no avail. They live together but they are separated emotionally, spiritually and physically.You see how some of us believers are pretending and hurting our partners in our marriages?. I don't pay for sharing my stuffs on social media. You can start that business on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media platforms. As a Pastor, l will never beg anyone to preach in their church. With a phone l can go live on Facebook any day and share something that many people will love to watch and read all over the world. I have developed the capacity to preach to all classes of people. By the grace of God l have a Master's degree. I have what it takes to preach to everyone wherever they are in the world through social media.

Develop capacity and a passion for what you love to do.You can not choose your calling, your calling CHOOSES you!

I have been trying to convince you by this article that there is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honour your calling. It's why you were born.And how you become most truly alive!

Remember that sometimes you have to walk through the fire, in order to reach your calling. Never give up on your dreams.With Jesus Christ on your side all things are possible!

Have a blessed Tuesday and a wonderful week!--Pastor Christian Mawuko.Golden Gospel Church,Accra,Ghana.


?Whatsapp/Text: 233.244225870

??LinkedIn: Rev.Christian Mawuko

??Twitter: @ChisMawuko

??YouTube: Pastor Christian Mawuko

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