You can achieve anything you want!
The Key, is to know what you really want!
I have had difficulties choosing what it is I really want myself. With adult ADD I have tended to flit from one thing to another....
Management, Counselling, Massage, to name a few. The big TELL was that everything I looked into was to do with self development. Even the weights training and BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) was to develop myself.
Have you found a theme? Do you enjoy working with your hands? Creating things. Maybe it is creative writing, the written word or music.
Do you prefer being around people?
Whatever you flair it is important to work for a little while each day on the thing that you most enjoy and have talent in.
If you invest just 30 minutes daily into your dream field of expertise, within a year, you won't believe how far you can progress!
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not and act, but a habit" Aristotle.
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