Paul Levine
Commercial Realtor and Real Estate Advisor | Retired CPA with over 50 years of income tax experience that no other Commercial Realtor has, Income Tax Consultant and unmatched Creatively!
You buy different types of commercial real estate for different reasons.? Different real estate investments yield cash flow while others might give you better appreciation while others may give you better income tax advantages than another form of real estate investment.? That’s why you, the investor or the consumer, should never consider what type of real estate investment you should go into before having a very serious meeting with a Certified Public Accountant who really, and I mean REALLY, understands real estate transactions and investing and the tax implications of each type of real estate investment.? Unfortunately, I have found that not that many CPAs know all of the things that they should know when it comes to the tax effects of certain real estate transactions.
If you want safety and just a great cash flow and very little, if any, management you should invest in NNN leases (Triple Net Leases).? If you are willing to take somewhat bigger risk and are willing to spend some time doing the management of the facility, self-storage is the investment for you.? Self-storage facilities yield a very nice cash flow but come up somewhat short on appreciation.?
Then you have strip malls and shopping centers and shopping malls that have a little more risk and may appreciate somewhat better than self-storage facilities.? The one glaring real estate investment that I haven’t mentioned yet is multifamily housing.? Apartment buildings, done right and in the right neighborhoods will, I didn’t say should, give you a decent cash flow, some of the best appreciation that you will find anywhere and some wonderful income tax benefits depending how much the project is.
You have to realize that whenever I talk about income tax advantages the benefit is directly related to the size of the project and the amount of the investment and the value of the property.? I am old enough that I remember when investors, mainly doctors, would invest $10,000 for a deduction of $250,00.? Those SCHEMES were called “TAX SHELTERS” and gave you multiples of write offs compared to the amount invested.?
The IRS loved these schemes because they were economically unsound so they wouldn’t be allowed by the IRS and the courts and the IRS would wait until a month before the statute of limitations was due to expire and send huge, and I mean HUGE bills to the partners for back taxes AND penalties AND interest and the partners could either pay the bills, they were not going to do that, or extend the statute of limitations, which is what the government wanted which gave them more time to investigate the shelter.? It was fun for me watching this from the sidelines because there was no way that I would ever get involved in one of these things or let my clients get involved in one of these things!!!? And the only ones that made out well on these deals were the attorneys defending the doctors and the IRS.
Now let’s touch on one other point.? Self-storage facilities generate a wonderful amount of cash flow, and that cash flow is taxes at the rates for “ordinary income” as opposed to the lower “capital gains” rate.? So, you save income tax dollar by investing in a real estate investment that yields more appreciation than cash flow.? And heaven when you talk about income taxes is offsetting losses that you get from real estate from capital gains.? That’s how you get the best bang for your buck!
Obviously, my partner, Fred Sams, and I can help you accomplish all of this.? My expertise is in saving income taxes and setting the investments up for safety and security and Fred is an expert in Cost Segregation Studies which yield Bonus Depreciation, and Accelerated Depreciation and those wonderful income tax benefits.
You build WEALTH by investing in Real Estate and it’s one of the safest investments that you can make to secure your future!