Are You Burnt Out Too?
Jeannette Hay
The Overwhelm Coach, Author, Professional Organizer at Get Me Organized!
After a year of living under Covid 19 restrictions, lockdowns and zoom meetings it would surprise me if you were not burnt out. To be clear, in case you were wondering, Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.
Sound familiar? The World Health Organization considers burnout as one of the "problems related to life-management difficulty" and after a year under Covid 19 I would say that was a no-brainer!
One of the ways to turn things around has been identified by researchers from Princeton University who found that decluttering your work and living spaces helps your brain focus.
Just to clarify, decluttering or uncluttering can be defined as a reduction or removal of, or putting into order, too many unnecessary items from an untidy or overcrowded place. Clearing one’s mind of too many thoughts of things yet to get done. Actions that can make you happy and improve your mental and overall physical health.
After fifteen years as a Professional Organizer I can tell you that I have observed a direct relationship of stress build up and an unfocused mind to the amount of clutter, both physical and mental that you have in your environment. The solution is for you to get easy dependable, go-to tools and techniques that will help you to gain clarity and focus as well as creating a calmer less cluttered environment. The most impactive solutions are to be found in my 4 Simple Words concept which is contained in my book “Getting Out From Under, How to break free from stress and overwhelm to get the life you have always wantedâ€. Available at Amazon or go to for detailed links.
You can also contact me directly, The Overwhelm Coach, for a complimentary 15 minutes call to discover what immediate actions you can take. To arrange this contact me through: