Are you burnt out? Come rest with us...
Athena's Warehouse Inc
Uplifting youth in Atlanta, GA through scholarship, mentorship, & educational workshops.
Dearest Community Warrior,
Here at Athena's Warehouse we believe that you must rest to be ready to fight...
Ladies & theydies, we invite you to wonder how you want to feel after the last day of the week, Saturdays. (After all, Saturday IS the last day of the week…)
Are you tired of feeling like you need a day between Sunday & Monday? Are you burnt out? When was the last time you did something nice for yourself?
Most of us who are caretakers mothers, eldest daughters, nurses, teachers, She-E-Os or CEOs- Chief Everything Officers don’t do ANYTHING on a weekly, monthly and therefore, certainly NOT, only a daily basis to take care of ourselves. Caretakers, womb space warriors, non-men (don’t worry fellas we WILL bring an experience JUST FOR YOU really soon!), please accept our invitation to rest in community with us, Athena’s Warehouse.?
For over 15 years we’ve focused on building young women into future leaders. 2 such young women run our organization, Sofia Salazar (CEO, Board Chair) & Dia Parker (CFO, Executive Director), & now that they’ve done a little growing into leadership- working together since 2021, they’re ready to invite YOU to the REAL behind the scenes of what keeps Athena’s Warehouse alive. They want you to experience what kept the Discover Your Inner Warrior program going, how they revived the Prom Project in partnership with The Sentimentalist, through a pandemic… They’ve kept this work going through a pandemic that wiped out over 30,000 nonprofit organizations nationwide, but this team with ONLY 1 full-time employee, remained. The secret is that self-care is NOT selfish.?
At Athena’s Warehouse, we take a holistic approach to achieving our goals of ensuring young women achieve financial stability. Discover Your Inner Warrior, a holistic wellness program by Athena’s Warehouse, integrates mentorship, mental health, and empowerment to improve child welfare outcomes, and prevent domestic violence. Our program brings students across various age groups, grades, and ethnicities together in a collaborative, healing space. Students work together to solve social issues through volunteering, advocacy and civic engagement initiatives. Student culture is uplifted and celebrated at every opportunity through music, poetry, free writing, and sharing meals together. Our space places healing at the forefront of every activity; when students have a space to heal together where they are working on their needs as individuals then they will have a greater capacity for overcoming adversity.
So this is your opportunity to heal with us! See you at our next Self-care Saturday event, where you will experience what it means to take care of your mind, body, and spirit. Each element of this series touches on a principle from The 7 Dimensions of Wellness framework crafted by Dr. Hettler in the 70’s. The 7 Dimensions of Wellness are physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social, environmental, & vocational. At Athena’s Warehouse, we believe that your attention should be paid to each element of wellness in order to feel well. So our series will include physical movement & healing via sound baths, yoga, skincare, or meditations. The series will also feature activities that enrich your intellectual, emotional and spiritual self such as crafting, journaling, & mindfulness practices. Your social self will be fed by our “take the awkward out of” networking activities. Your vocational & environmental self will be fed by the energy that inhabits our partnered space: The Lola, as well as by activities which allow you to journey deeper inside yourself or explore nature in a new way!?
Learn more about our next Self-Care Saturday event on Saturday March 29th starting at 4pm at The Lola:
Thank you so much to Hope Nicole for the photos. Connect with Hope today: