Are you burning... out?
The stress level we endure....

Are you burning... out?

Ever feel like you just.... can't anymore with an employer?

You may already be in a very severe stage of burnout. It can be hard to recognize and may suddenly become clear at really odd times.

About Burnout

Burnout is caused when the demands of the job consume the individual. The word "burn" to describe the level of effort and demand one puts on themselves. In this case it's like your fire goes "out" when you can't (do the job | handle the office politics etc) anymore.

Most professionals have experienced burnout more than once, so this will more speak to my mentees as a cautionary tale than be helpful to most professionals.

The Stages of Burnout

Is it 5? Is it 12? Everyone has their own definition of it. In my experience, the more stages presented, the more OCD or particular that author is about classifying the condition.

If you want a 12 stage version, this one is really good.

Regardless, those that have experienced burnout will tell you... if you don't manage it/recognize it, it will consume you.

Stage 1 - Honeymoon Phase ??

  • Ooh shiny! You got a new gig and ain't it grand!
  • Everything is new and exciting!
  • Your new car smells soooo nice!
  • You want to take on the world with your ambitious attitude

Ain’t nothing gonna break your stride!

Stage 2 - The Stress Monster has Appeared ??

  • Oh no. That new car smell has worn off and you are starting to notice your "car" may actually smell different than you thought.
  • The stress monster has appeared and you are starting to feel the effects of the job warring you down.
  • It's not excruciating, but it's kinda like when you get sick of your favorite food. You don't understand it and you want it to go back to how it was....
  • You aren't worried. This is just a phase...
  • You are so right! But, it's going to get worse!

The dreaded stress monster!

Stage 3 - Stress IS Your Life Now ??

  • The Stress Monster has now made himself really comfortable in your life.
  • You are working night and day.
  • Your work quality is starting to slip.
  • Your attitude at work has gone downhill.
  • Co-workers and maybe your superior(s) are starting to notice.
  • Your home life is likely affected.

It’s fine. Everything is a blaze and I am FINE!

Stage 4 - You are Burnt Out ??

  • Problems at work are an obsession for you.
  • You work day in and day out. No amount of time is too great to fix "it". The "it" here is whatever has gotten under your skin at that time.
  • Have you ever had migraines before? No. We'll get ready for them. Along with stomach issues and a whole host of really crappy feelings.
  • EVERYONE knows that you are stressed!

If I could only have 72 hours in one day….

Stage 5 - Long Term Burnout Ahead ??

  • If you let stage 4 go on for too long, you can seriously ruin your life. It could take weeks to years to recover from.
  • Chronic high blood pressure
  • Much like long COVID symptoms, you can experience ware and tear via chronic fatigue that seems like you can NEVER recover, NEVER rest up or feel 100%
  • Like an overcharged battery ?? it will take some "replacement" to get back to fully charging and being happy.

You’ve overcharged the battery…

Recovery Techniques

This isn't a definitive guide. You also may not need every technique.

  • Learn to say no. You probably got here from being overly ambitious. It's ok to be ambitious, but time to dial it back.

If you are like me... I either "adopt problems like stray cats" or have a Superman complex and cannot say no to someone in need.

  • Be honest with yourself and your superior(s). There's no shame in opening up about your problems and especially when things appear to be "hopeless, dark and grim"... you should let in some light. A good talk with your superior can either drastically improve things or let you know it's time to move on.
  • Find ways to handoff things. If your burden is that you have too many responsibilities, you need to hand them off. Work to transfer, train and document your work.
  • Adopt a new schedule. You've likely been burning the candle on both ends. It's time to change that. No more late nights and no more sacrificing meals. Get good quality sleep.
  • Seek professional help. There's soo many options out there for mental help both in person and in office. Find what's right for you. If you don't know, ask your doctor.

Avoiding Burnout

It may sounds as though it is inevitable. There is no way around it. Your fate .... is sealed.

Good news! There's some avoidance measures (that might sound like recovery steps a bit)

  • Establish transparency and honesty with your superior(s) - Start the relationship (when possible) with clear transparency and honesty. If you provide it, you may receive it in kind. Just... don't be a jerk and precede everything with "I hate to be honest/transparent here but <insert mean/hurtful thing here>"
  • Set reasonable expectations for you and your superiors workload. It's ok to ask for more things/responsibilities etc, but only after you have adequately handled your current workload and can continue doing so in the future.
  • Set a work schedule and stick to it rigorously. If you work from home, even more of a reason to do this. Even if you are salary, strive for clocking in and out daily. Integrate it into your life and don't work anymore no matter what. Not even once. The work will always be there for you. * oncall and requirements for your job may vary.
  • Recognize the warning signs of being a workaholic. As someone who has experienced burnout and ruined a marriage over "dedication" and trying to "exceed in sooo many things"... know when you might have workaholic tendencies. I can talk more in another post about this. Please comment if you want to see more.

You Know You Have Burnout When...

Physical symptoms include:

  • Drained. Not like, oh man I partied too hardy drained. More like, I slept 12 hours and could sleep another 20.
  • Speaking of which, sleep is difficult. It's crappy quality and you can either fall asleep easily or not at all.
  • You've probably skipped a lot of meals due to hyper focus and your appetite changes on the drop of a dime.
  • Headaches. Migraines. For me, my neck and shoulders feel connected and that my shoulders are in my ears.

Emotional symptoms include:

  • Lacking motivation at work and possibly at home.
  • A myriad of emotions ranging from doubting yourself/your skills to feeling you have failed.
  • You just can't seem to get that level of satisfaction.

Behavioral symptoms include:

  • Awkward isolation. Think golem... my precious is my work, I live for my precious.
  • Maybe you get distracted easily or you just don't want to (or can't) do your core responsibilities anymore.
  • It seems like your fuse is so short, all it will take is a word or mention of a thing that can set you off.
  • Have you ever snapped at someone for smacking their gum on a zoom call? Repeatedly on multiple calls is one thing. I am talking about an isolated incident of extreme rage and blow up. I may... have done this.

Conclusion / T;LDR

  • Set limits to avoid burnout

Start with honesty and transparency.
Set a schedule and stick to it.
Manage your workload.

  • Stages of burnout include.....

1. Honeymoon
2. Stress Monster Appears
3. You and Stress are Besties
4. You Have Burnt-out
5. ?? Don't Enter - Long-Term Effects ??


  • I have elaborated based on my own personal feelings and experiences. However this article is the basis for a large part of this post.


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