You Bring the Dev, We’ll Bring the Ops

You Bring the Dev, We’ll Bring the Ops

DevOps, the alignment of developers and operators to create constant improvement, is being embraced by companies worldwide. In a DevOps environment the developers who create software deliver their code to the system operators who deploy it. Feedback is rapidly recovered and fed back to the developers for the next round of improvements. This achieves constant improvement through rapid and constant deployment of new code.

But what happens when you’re an ISV, a team of developers without a corresponding team of operators to connect you to users?

You Must Select the Right Azure Expert MSP

Just as you are all about development, Azure Expert MSPs are all about operations. Whether your customers are operating on-premise or in the cloud they benefit from engaging the services of a well-prepared MSP to take the burden of IT operations off their plate.

Aligning your developers with a proven high-quality MSP to become the operations side of your DevOps team brings you and your customers the same tremendous advantages that those global companies are enjoying.

What Makes an Azure Expert MSP Right for an ISV?

An important component of a DevOps process environment is the sharing of tools and methodologies to increase everyone’s familiarity with the software. This requires significant knowledge transfer and sharing.

The right MSP takes full responsibility for migrating and optimizing your application on its target environment. They share their deep architectural platform knowledge freely with your development team, training them thoroughly in the best application building practices on that platform. This is not an effort to transfer responsibility. Instead it enhances information sharing between your Dev and the MSP’s Ops.

More Value for Customers, More Revenue for You

Aligning yourself with the right Azure Expert MSP enables companies with no or minimal operations teams to enjoy all the benefits of DevOps, bringing all the value of constant improvement and extremely close management to them without distraction from their own core mission.

This value is most often recognized in the form of project expansions to include new functionality that generates more development revenue for the ISV.

The right MSP also has exceedingly close relationships with the cloud platforms they integrate onto. Most of these platforms feature Marketplaces to facilitate the marketing of ISV products to more and more customers. By handling the addition and promotion of your products through these Marketplaces, the right MSP expands your customer base through joint sales and marketing activities conducted in concert with you and the cloud platform provider.

Your MSP partner also protects your installed base by constantly administering, monitoring and managing compute operations, facilitating the provision of new support requirements quickly and efficiently. Long before users begin complaining you’ll know what needs to be done to prevent them from encountering anomalies.

Select The Right Cloud Platform, Too

When customers are depending upon a cloud provider to run their business, they prefer well-known platforms they are confident they can rely upon.

Microsoft Azure is the premier choice for companies who mean business when they move operations to the cloud. For ISVs, your applications are best served in the environment that has been carefully created by the world’s foremost software and services company.

Henson Group has made the investments necessary to earn recognition as a Microsoft Azure Expert MSP Gold Partner, among the most elite experts at integrating solutions on this celebrated platform.

Our experience partnering with ISVs spans decades and includes a broad spectrum of applications including Cognitive Services, LOB Applications, BI and Data Driven Apps, Microsoft Teams enabled Apps, Machine Learning and AI, Chatbot service enablement and much more.

ISVs around the world have enjoyed the advantages of our application-accelerating free Azure Migration services which include Assessment, Rearchitecture, Training, Migration, Optimization and more.

The advantages of working with Henson Group don’t begin and end at the delivery of superior services. We also partner enthusiastically with ISVs to help you increase your revenue by eliminating your migration costs and launching your application in Microsoft's MarketPlace and AppSource, allowing you to Co-Sell with Microsoft and Henson Group's global sales teams and customer base.

Get to Know Henson Group

Serving the world for almost 20 years, Henson Group is primarily comprised of Microsoft alumni seeking to get closer to the customer. This gives the Group enhanced access to Microsoft executives and product groups, code and knowledge not generally available to our competitors, and a free escalation path to Microsoft Premier Support services provided by Microsoft

ISVs consistently find that our fee structure leaves them substantial room for competitively incorporating our services into their offerings.

Those who serve regulated industries will appreciate that The Henson Group is ISO 27000, 9000, 20000 certified and GDPR Compliant. Every ISV and every one of their customers take confidence in the fact that satisfaction is always guaranteed or your money back on any project

Recognized by industry with numerous awards, including "Microsoft Partner of the Year" six times, The Henson Group is the ideal choice of MSP partner for every ISV seeking a sure path to quality application implementation for their products.

Contact [email protected] to learn more.


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