Are You a Boxer?
Sherry Holliman, MA
Former Marion Councilwoman Political Columnist, Certified Civil and Domestic Mediator. Lobbyists. CEO-Founder Different Direction Reforms, Consultant Community Advoc
Political Columnist- Sherry Holliman?
Are you a boxer??When you hear the word boxer what vision do you see? Well, most people see the canine breed of boxers, a medium short-haired dog, with a powerful bite. Or some will think of Floyd Mayweather, Emmanuel Dapidran Pacquiao?Sr. a?Filipino politician nicknamed "PacMan", he previously served as a Senator of the Philippines. or Mike Tyson they are all famous professional boxers that fought in a boxing ring hitting other men with all their power using boxing gloves to compete for a prize.
What about you? Do you consider yourself a boxer? A corporate boxer or a street boxer??Are you judgmental? Do you like to find fault in others that are different from you or don’t live as perfect as you do? You may not believe you are negative?when it comes to judging others, but your actions will prove you wrong. You may not realize this, but you are an unspoken advocate for boxing??You are a boxer if your judgments are made based on a person’s outward appearance? Only to assume things about people based on their status in society, home life, and work, and it’s only visual.
Also if you hear about a person being on probation or being disabled and assuming both should not be allowed to have a second chance or cannot work. Do you feel comfortable placing people in boxes? Do you feel that it is natural to categorize, label, or judge other humans? Believe it or not this is a form of boxing. When you reduce people to your perception you have limited their abilities as individuals and mock their character by taking away their opportunity to show their limitations. Do you see a problem with boxing? It is different if someone's decisions and lifestyle hurt you personally, but when those decisions don't, you are intentionally using your opinion to be bias and your use or lack of use of your power of influence to allow this human to not have access to opportunities or resources can?cause lifestyle changes or no change for that person.
Boxing is very common in the political profession all the time. Each party is very vocal about their personal belief regarding various political issues: Republicans are boxed as racists, bigots, and believes that it is the responsibility of individuals and communities to take care of people in need.?Republicans generally make laws about families and children based on what is written in religious books. Whereas the democrats are boxed as poor people helping other poor people by giving government resources to lazy individuals. They believe that?the government should take care of people.?Democrats believe that the government should not interfere with people’s choices about families and children. Democratic and Republican parties will always debate over divisive issues.?
Do you believe that boxing has an impact on society??Do you think of yourself as a boxer? Can you identify with people who are boxers? Is there a need to box people? Boxing can be ineffective and condescending in many ways. People should understand that no political party is called by God to rule the nation.??Everyone working for the people should want to make the right decision??regardless of party affiliation for the nation. Boxing allows a reducer to reduce, to be critic of critics, and feed into your community problems of division rather than trying to find a solution. Most humans will have a natural instinct to judge others. Especially to see if this is a person you can trust or feel safe around. On the other hand if you only want to focus on the negative qualities rather than the?positive aspects you are a for sure boxer .
Humans should respect the fact that no one is the same. As you have found there are people from all walks of life. Your culture, age, and personal style will make you a different person from the same class of person looking at you. Almost everyone will make quick decisions but no one deserves to be placed in a box. People don’t belong in boxes! They belong wherever they can be productive and happy.?