This article is a result of my very small experience in competing and winning only a small handful of competitions. I know there are people out there who might have their long list of #BM trophies in their shelf because i personally know many.This is just a way i interpret these events.
Most B schools host their Management fest with pride and the one event which almost everyone wants to witness is the "Best Manager" competition, in fact the final round which is a live-on stage performance.The USP of this event is that,
A)It's entertaining
B) It's entertaining
C)It's entertaining
why ? simple you get to see a lad on stage struggling for his /her space to speak out their views on topics which is asked to them. In short most final stage performance is like an "Aranb Goswami- News Hour" battle ground and I had my fair share of BM moments. With that being said , these competitions are "game changers" or rather "life changers" for the participants it sure has been one for me.
The event is most likely to have 4 to 10 or even 12 rounds which happens for 2 days.It is definitely something which is entertaining and more exhausting.But competing for this event does gives you a ton of adrenaline rush, confidence and creativity.The greatest advantage of #BM events is that "you start to think on your toe". However for winning a #BM trophy it takes much more than your talents like any event there has some flaws. At times management fests does have some unethical side to it which most of you might be aware about. So its like this you need to have talent, confidence , luck and tons of "Guruthaam" (Malayalam word- blessings from your guru's).
I'll share my learning from my #BM events.
The first best manager event I competed was DCSMAT Trivandrum - #Vijanana i was in my first semester when i was competing for this event and fortunately i won the competition remember what i said earlier "Grurthaam" it real worked for me.Because if it wasn't for Anny Ma'am i wouldn't have probably even had the slightest possibility of winning the event. The best part of that fest was that i had the privilege to see a person who was a fierce competitor he was witty, confident , talented and blessed @yasim bhai. I learned a lot from him about where i had to improve and what i had to possibly do to be better - to be the best.
My second outing was at CUSAT - #Talenttime that was during my second semester where i got second place for that event. The learning was tremendous it was an eye opener. The two important things i learned from that fest would be .
- Face your failures and accept them with all your heart.
- Do's and Don'ts when you are presenting yourself to the crowd for the very first time.
Even when i say that i had face my failures , i have to say this it was the toughest way that i had to face them.I probably cried over the fact that i had lost the competition but that's how i could have only let me feelings out.At #Talentime i aslo had some fierce competition but the reality is that now they have all become good mates.
The third #BM memory is form #Girideepam i got myself out from the competition just after the first round.Now that was a shocker! But yes that's when i understood that i had a huge weakness with my aptitude skills which is still something i'm working on. The best thing that turned out from being a part of that fest was the hardcore reality that "You can get eliminated from the very first round if you are not the best". That did made me think whether i had what it takes to be apart of these competitions.I had to owe this learning to one of colleagues at #BIMS if it wasn't for #milan chettan i wouldn't have got that reality check and it was a most needed one.
My second #BM trophy became a part of #BIMS from me being part of #Macfast fest - the one great thing about this fest was i had a serious confidence boost why ? because my competition this time was from the iconic #christ university. Being a part of a handful Management fest they were like considered the #best to reckon with, and i have to admit the fact that at the back of mind i was having few nightmares about it.But winning that competition did seriously made me change the way that i saw myself.May be that's when i realized that you know what if you have the heart you can do anything."#Goliaths do fall if there is a strong passionate #David "- Saying that my fierce competition did made me realize that there is way too many place for improvements.This one goes to #Binsai sir my mentor at BIMS.
My fifth out was at #Toch - #Denovo towards the end of that fest i realized that i ahd actually grown from an underdog crybaby to a not so bad competitor. I learned to face my failures , this time there was not crying, this time i acknowledged the fact that"someday's are not yours" so the best thing to do enjoy the moment and learn form what you did from the end of it. Best thing which happened was i saw a team emerge in front me my #Dreamteam(few of my besties made a team and they started to bag a hadful of #BMT's) which i always wanted to be a part of. #denovo for me was a game changer, even though i was second i started to acknowledge failure and misfortune with grace and humility.
The last #BM fest that i was part of was #kairoz of carmel college. I was there for the final 3 but was not fortunate of winning the competition. It did made me sad that i couldn't win it because i knew that this was probably the last time that i might be part of this exciting event and yes winning would have been the perfect way of ending this 2 yrs of my #BM journey.Prior to my last outing i became more confident in accepting failures but i probably was disappointed because i had a word to keep with #binsai Sir.
Apart from winning the #BM tophies and certificates i do have to mention the amount of money that you can actually get by winning them.So risk yourself and with a bit of luck , love and prayers from your loved ones who knows it might be your day.
The simple reason that i'm posting this article is that if a there is a lad out there who wants to sharpen his game, to change the fortune of his family, to find the reason of his /her existence this one is for them because i'm just like you a #Survivor who doesn't have anybody or anything as a supporting aid other the heart to TRY, LOVE and ENJOY what I do.If you want to make the difference my request ,be a part of these events because it will mold you to be the best version of you !
One that note thank you for reading the article.
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