Olaoluwa Otokiti Mr. (CEBAN)
Economist | Entrepreneur | Consultant & Business Owner
Do you believe you are the ultimate or are faster than the fastest man
Can You drink the largest volume of water in one sitting
Can you can read thousands of pages in seconds and understand
Can you can drive 2000km per second
Can you can swim the pacific ocean in an Olympic best.
Can you can run as fast as cheetah or beat a lion in its own field
Can I here you say it is possible to turn the impossible to a reality
Fast is not only about speed
Fast is use the little you have to get what you want
Fast is being able to turn the impossible to reality
Fast is not doing what others do but do what is best for you.
Fast is not satisfy others but please yourself first before other people.
When it rains the ground get wet
when it rains the flowers bloom the beauty of the earth is seen
when it rains the farmer sing for joy because every where becomes cool and calm
O lord, good lord rain, joy, peace, blessings and hope upon me
When its rain everything come alive new and beautiful, bird fly and sing for joy plants?grow new to replace old.
If you read in between the lines you will understand that you are the best of who you are don’t let anyone tell you different. Its true no single person has all the answers so surround yourself with like minds that seek your progress. The rain is here so grow and blossom. More importantly, don’t be afraid to shed weight let go of the old to give room for the new.
Otokiti Olaoluwa Mr.
Data Innovations Nigeria