Are You "The Best" Contractor In Your Area?
“The Best”
Can you make a better burger than McDonald’s? Can you make “the best” burger?
“Of course.”
Then why does McDonald’s sell more burgers and make more money than you do?
Because McDonald’s is one of the best at business systems…
Their secret is not their burger, it’s their business model and systems.
Which one are you working on?
Building the best burger? ??
Or building the best systems in your business? ??
Most contractors focus on the burger.
Don’t get me wrong! There’s a lot of good in that.
But it won’t ensure your business success.
The Best Systems
Focus on the best systems that create the burger.
It’ll take you much farther in business than focusing on the best burger ever will.
Solid business systems with an average burger will take you further than the best burger ever will.
I’m not throwing shade at focusing on the best burger.
Most of us in the trades take a lot of pride in our craft.
We love what we do, and it’s what gives us that sense of accomplishment and achievement.
But if I had a dollar for every time a seasoned contractor told me that: “I wish I had focused less on doing the work, and focused more on the business that produces the work.”
I’d have many dollars. ??
What are some of the catches that come with focusing on the best burger instead of the best business?
Well, often when the owner/operator is intently focused on creating the best burger, when they finally pull it off, and they step back to survey the results of their work with satisfaction…
…they realize that they only taught themselves.
No one else on the team can pull off the same quality burger.
It’s not repeatable, or scalable, and it is difficult to onboard new employees.
But if you focus on the business systems instead, well, now you as the owner/operator are no longer the bottleneck.
You built the best systems that produce the burger.
This means you built the process for how the work is done, and then how it gets trained to new employees, how the quality checks are done, and on and on.
The Best Result
The result is you have a business you are not trapped in.
You essentially can work yourself out of a job.
You say, “What if I never want to be anything other than an owner/operator? I just want to do what I love, and make good money doing it.”
No problem. That is absolutely a viable option.
But remember, in that model, you are essentially owning a job, not a business.
This means you’ll need to crank cash out of that job you own so that you can not only live but build other assets for your future from the proceeds from that job.
Because owning a job doesn’t count as owning an asset you can retire on.
Owning a business does.
It’s just a matter of being aware of the options and the results of each of those choices.
And then working to optimize your choice to the maximum.
While we were on our family trip to Romania a few weeks ago, I was reflecting on these business systems and spontaneously made this video.
Give it a watch and tell me if it makes sense in the context of “working on your business systems”.
That’s exactly what we strive to do at SynkedUP, make it much easier for owners/operators to take plug-n-play business systems and install them in their own businesses.
Take what took others 20 years to build and install it in your business in weeks to months.
It’s powerful stuff. Unlocks a lot of potential.
So yeah, let me know what you think of the video. ??
Weston Zimmerman
SynkedUP co-founder and CEO