Are You Being Your Own Super Hero?
Brandon Krieger
Director Cyber Strategy and Defense @ Arete | Cybersecurity Expert | vCISO/vCIO
How has your week been going? I hope you and your family have are safe as well as healthy with everything that has been going on through the Pandemic?
Every Friday I have been taken the time in the morning to write out these articles as I'm going through my journey. Discussing the challenges I've been running into and what I’m personally doing to make the changes to help myself. I share these publicly because I hear stories of people going through their own challenges and I hope these articles help those people to feel they are not alone, they are supported, as well they can do it. To Never, Never, Never, Give up ~ Winston Churchill
For me this week, it has been tough to write this article, my first draft of this article was just me ranting about all the challenges I’ve been going through this week. Which I found me asking, what would people think about me? How would this effect me and my prospecting? Then I remembered to ask myself “good questions”. Why do I even want to write an article today? Why do I feel the need to write one today? How would it help me and potentially help the people reading it?
I had to step away until this morning because I was going through a lot of emotions or as Neal would say "Feels". Then this morning it hit me... F*ck It! “I am giving too many F*ck’s”. Thanks Mark Manson and “Disappointment Panda” (The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck reference).
Which leads me to this weeks article, which is a long one, just to give you a heads up. My challenge this week is I've been feeling defeated, my confidence has been rocked and I notice this week I had more F.E.A.R. coming up then usual. Which is why I'm writing this article today to ask myself "What do I need to do to become the Super Hero of my own story?
The interesting thing is if you follow every Super Hero stories they always have someone they look up to that helps them become the person they need to be. Superman had Jonathan Kent, Spider-Man had Uncle Ben...etc. Great I'm not in a DC or Marvel Universe, what do I do now? Do I need to be part of a Justice League, Avengers team...? Yes, I am using comic's to share a teachable moment... "No F*cks given" (Thanks Mark Mason, I will use that one too).
The question I asked myself "if I'm looking to be a Super Hero of my own story what do I need to do to make that happen?""What characteristics do these Super Hero's have?"
The Top 3 Characteristics I have seen are:
1) Courage and Resilience against all odds. Not matter how hard it gets they always fight for what is right and what they believe in. Even when they get put down, they always get back-up because they just can't give up. There is just too much on the line.
2) They work with a strong team that they might not always get along with and/or agree with. When it comes down to it, they band together and overcome whatever adversary is in front of them.
3) Give back/Sacrifice. They will do whatever it takes to get the job done and help the people they are protecting.
Interesting as I sit back and re-read that, I question do I have those characteristics? I feel like I have courage and resilience against all odds... Have a strong team around me, this I haven't been as proactive with as I should be. I will share more about this below. Do I give back, I try, with my streams I collaborate on, the time I help people who ask for it. I would say I am working on that one. Now what about my "Avengers Team?"
That is a great question, I just did a Jim Kwik lesson on "Creating Your Thinking Circle" as part of his Kwik Thinking program. Part of the homework from the lesson was to write down who you spend the most amount of time with in the left column and in the right column who would be in your dream team. Yes I made it about comics and called my right column my "Avengers Team". So I drew out the columns and started to put the people I spend the most time in my left column. Then Jim added one thing, before I go to create my "Avengers Team" list, review the left column and ask yourself this question. "The people who I am spending the most amount of my time with are they helping me improve my life or are they holding me back? Yeah this got uncomfortable real quick for me.
-First thing that hit me is wow I don't have many people on that list...
-Second was that the people on my list that would help me improve I hardly spend anytime with, except for my wife and Joel. The rest that are on that list I speak to maybe once a week and it's in passing.
That brought up a lot of "feels" from the past and insecurities...etc which brought it back full circle for me of why I have been feeling defeated, my confidence has been rocked and F.E.A.R.'s have been coming up. It's because I have always felt like the underdog, like I've been fighting to survive and never the Super Hero of my own story. Well that was a punch in the gut... Now what?
First - I need to have the courage and resilience to speak up. Do the things I need to do so I can help myself and others
Second - I need to build up my "Avengers Team" and spend more time with them. I have a lot to learn and grow. I need the right team around me to do that.
Third - As I learn and grow, give back to the people who are trying to do the same.
This way I can become my own Super Hero of my story!