Are You Being In Service or Servitude?
Barbara Rose, PhD
Bestselling Author 33 Books| Higher Self Relationship & Life Transformation Expert| Public Speaker| Actor at SAG-AFTRA
I am going to ask you a few questions so that you can simply ask yourself where you stand within your heart and mind, to know whether you are being in service or in servitude.
Are you fulfilling the joys within your heart or are you struggling to discover what your joys are?
Are you trying to attain anything outside of yourself to feel better? Or are you loving the process of all that lies within the attainment?
Are you sacrificing your truth on any level of your life? Or are you sharing your truth with yourself and all others, regardless of what others might think, say or do?
Being “in service” means that you are serving from the joys in your heart because it brings you joy to do so.
Being in servitude means that you are slaving away at a job, a position, a relationship, or in material accumulation so that you can somehow feel better from the outside in.
This is what is known as “spiritual slavery.”
Spiritual slavery creates martyrs. It creates pain and sacrifice at the expense of what feels true and good to you in your heart.
“Spiritual Service” means that in all of your words, deeds and actions, you feel a sense of oneness with God, All of humanity, and especially a sense of oneness within your own self.
I ask you to ponder the above questions and know without any doubt in your heart and mind that you are not here in this life to do more, you are here in this life to share and express more of who you are from within.
Soon, you may see areas of life on Earth seem to go bad. This is not a punishment, this is a cause for life renewal. Many times, life renewal must follow the old structures passing away first, before the new ones can take their place. So do not ever fear what might seem to be outer discord. Trust and know for sure that under the Divine Plan for all of humankind, that the new, better, renewed and vibrant ways of truth for all shall replace many old and rigid structures that have prevented truth to emanate for all of humankind in many areas of life on Earth.
To some of you this may seem confusing. To some of you it is what you already know. To others, you may ask: “What in the world does this mean?”
It means that in order for truth to prevail on all levels, what is false must fall away. So bear in mind that if there are any areas of your life where you find that a new and brighter way would be your deepest joy, trust that as the old falls away, it paves the way for what is truly in your heart to come forward in all areas of your life.
Never stay in a position where you feel that you must in order to be “somebody.”
You are the Divine in physical form. Your sense of oneness can only come from your heart where you feel at one within your very own being. So any area of your life where you feel fragmented, torn, not at one within – this is the area where it would do you well to express the divinity you hold inside by being honest enough with yourself where you can finally say: “I AM That I AM” and come to know fully, and without question, that you are the Divine in physical form.
Be patient with yourself as you grow. Follow what is in your heart and take one step at a time. With every step you take, know that I am with you, in you, as you, and guiding you from the depths of your heart and soul where Divine Source dwells. Once you can feel and embrace your own Divinity, you will know for sure that you are here for far greater reasons than you may be currently aware of.
Each step, taken from your heart, combined with your deepest truth, will always keep you on rock solid ground, where no outer circumstance can throw you out of your inner equilibrium – for you will always feel indwelling peace.
Trust in what your heart tells you. This is your truth. And, as you bring it out into your life, you will be expressing your Divine nature, and this is your gift of service to humanity.
Enjoy as you go along. Joy from your heart, joy in being, sharing and expressing your purest truth is the joy of life on Earth.
Enjoy and Be Well.
? Copyright 2012, 2019 Barbara Rose PhD – All Rights Reserved.