Are you being intentional about being authentic?

Are you being intentional about being authentic?

"Your character can be masked, but it can't be hidden. Every choice you make reveals who you truly are on the inside to those watching from the outside." ~ Mack Story

Are you two-faced? Are you sure?

Do you like two-faced people?

I've never had anyone answer yes. But, if you ask someone if they're a two-faced person, they're most likely to answer no.

I'm not going to ask you, but I know there's a good chance you're a two-faced person and don't even know it. It doesn't mean you're a bad person. But, it does mean you have room to improve.

If you were two-faced and didn't know it, wouldn't you want to know?

Hopefully, you watched the short video above that I made seven years ago to provoke thought and raise awareness about this topic. In it, I discussed being 10, 12, or 15 faced. But, I didn't know it. I didn't understand what I understand today about being an authentic person. I was a many-faced person in the past before I chose to look in the mirror at who I truly was being.

Thankfully, I'm much better today. But, I'll always be under construction!

However, as I travel across the USA and beyond speaking, many of the people I meet are still that way. It's obvious to me, and likely to you as well, that I'm not the only one who has been guilty of being a many-faced person.

But, that's not important.

What's important is that you make sure you're not one of them.

Let's Talk about Authentic Leadership

Note: The following is an excerpt from my wife Ria Story's book Leadership Gems: 30 Characteristics of Very Successful Leaders.

The most effective leaders have a greater natural inclination toward building a relationship with those they want to influence. That's an incredible strength. Regardless of who you're trying to lead, you will have more influence if they feel like you value them as a person.

Authenticity is a strength because it builds trust. Trust will always increase influence.?

“Influence is ultimately an outcropping of trust - the higher the trust, the greater the influence.” ~ Dale Carnegie

My husband Mack Story always says, “When you increase your influence, you increase your options.” Increasing trust increases our leadership ability, which in turn increases the options we have available to us. We simply must be intentional about being authentic in order to build trust.


Look for ways to be more authentic in your daily life:

  • If you aren’t fine, don’t tell others you are. Admit things aren’t fantastic and ask for help, support, or even prayer.
  • If you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t make it up or guess. Admit you don’t know, ask for time to find the answer, and then ensure you follow up.
  • If you don’t agree with something, don’t go along with it just to keep the peace. Work to intentionally resolve the issue through constructive dialogue.

Click/Tap above to enroll in our FREE online video course "The 5 Types of Leaders" and discover what type of leader you are (everyone is a leader at home and at work), what type of leader you're reporting to, and how to climb the leadership mountain.

True influence and leadership aren’t based on appearing to be different than you are. It’s based on your authenticity and your willingness to develop your character. That’s what turns authenticity into a strength instead of a weakness.

"Success isn’t based on your ability to cover up your flaws. Success is based on your ability to overcome them." ~ Ria Story

We often are afraid to be authentic because we are afraid of being vulnerable:

  • What if someone finds out we aren’t perfect?
  • What if someone realizes we make mistakes?
  • What if someone realizes we are flawed, human, and don’t have a Facebook perfect life?

In truth, they already know it. None of us are perfect.

We all make mistakes and have weaknesses. We don’t need anyone to tell us – we already know it.

We know it about everyone else, and as much as we are afraid of them finding out, everyone already knows it about us.

The question they want answered is, "Do we know it about ourselves?"

We understand people aren’t perfect. We don’t expect them to be.

We respect those who don’t pretend to be.

What would change if you had more influence?

Would you be more likely to be promoted?

Would you be more likely to be given raises?

Would you be more likely to have others listen to you?

What's stopping you from increasing your influence? The most common answer is, "I don't know how?" Ria and I have solved that problem for you. We've created a 7.5 hour online video course based on her book, The Ladder of Influence: 5 Steps for Climbing to the Next Level and Beyond, which will help you intentionally and methodically increase your influence at home and at work.

"We don't have to be sick to get better." ~ Michael Josephson
Click/Tap above and start climbing The Ladder of Influence today for only $99!!! You'll be able to instantly download a 30 page Participant's Guide. Once you're done, you'll receive an official Certificate of Completion to enhance your resumé.

Meet Mack & Ria...

Mack and Ria Story are the co-founders of Blue-Collar Leadership? and provide uniquely designed content specifically created for the blue-collar workforce and those who lead and support them.

Mack and Ria began speaking together in 2013 and have published 35 books. They have spoken at Yale University's School of Management, at the U.S. Capitol, for the U.S. Military multiple times in multiple locations, for many small companies and for many multi-billion dollar organizations, on site for small groups and at conferences for thousands, and have shared the stage with Les Brown, John Maxwell.

Mack spent many years in the blue-collar workforce, starting his career in 1988 working as a front line, entry-level machine operator before working his way up through various engineering and management positions. Between 2005-2012, he logged over 11,000 hours leading hundreds of leaders and their teams through process improvement, leadership development, organizational change, and cultural transformation as a Lean and Leadership Development Consultant. Contact Mack on his cell at 334-728-4143 or by email at [email protected]

Ria started her career working as a waitress while earning her GED and going to community college at night. She pursued a career in the healthcare industry, eventually earning her MBA. Ria is a TEDx speaker, a certified leadership trainer, and has over 20 years of experience in leadership and management.?Contact Ria on her cell at 334-332-3526 or by email at [email protected]

Wayne Brown

I help Businesses Achieve Sustainable Growth | Consulting, Exec. Development & Coaching | 45+ Years | CEO @ S4E | Building M.E., AP & Sth Asia | Best-selling Author, Speaker & Awarded Leader

1 周

Well said! Authentic leadership is a powerful tool for creating a positive work culture. When leaders align their actions with their values, they inspire trust and loyalty.


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