You become what you think about...
Hugh Tafel
Business Coach | I help aspiring & established business coaches close all the high-ticket clients they can handle in less than 90 days via our proven turnkey system | Free 12 min Video Explains How ??
Canmore, Alberta. Canada.
This week my province went back to “Step 1†in its “re-opening†plan.
“We’re in a Third Wave spike of the pandemicâ€, said our chief medical officer, Dr. Hinshaw. Cases with a variant strain of the virus account for 47.7% of new infections – which is one of the stated reasons for the reversal in the Government’s lessening of existing restrictions.
17 sitting members of the ruling party publicized a letter decrying their own government’s move.
The opposition party naturally, demanded even more restrictions, as did the many state-funded doctors.
Which move is the right one? Does it make any difference? I don’t know and nor do the “experts†as far as I can tell. At least our province hasn’t gone into total ‘stay-at-home’ mode like in Ontario or with 8:00 pm curfews, like in Quebec.
What I do know is that all of these dictates, zigs and zags by our respective officials can be extremely harmful to everyone – if you let it. For when one allows events outside one’s control to upset and influence one’s thinking and emotional well-being – you’ve allowed them to take control of your being.
What do I mean?
You become what you think of – most of the time. You control your thoughts; therefore, you have control over what actions you take. And what actions you take, determine the results you will get.
I was reminded of this from an unusual source last week.
It came from an exceptional young man with a Muslim name of Latino origins. His upbringing was from what many of us would call; “the wrong side of the tracksâ€.
Yet at 33, he owns his own home, drives a sporty, new car and is working on creating a second stream of income while investigating a third.
He told me something very interesting.
A while ago, when many of the restrictions on movement had been lifted in his State, he visited some of his friends from his upbringing. They were socializing like so many young folks, drinking beer, smoking some pot – shooting the “shitâ€.
And it was during this visit that my young friend had an epiphany.
He was likely going to lose many of these “friends’ as he moved further along his journey of working to get to where he wanted to be. Because, consciously or subconsciously, they would strive to bring him back to their economic and social, level.
You see, none of his old gang had changed their thinking, set goals, made plans and set upon a course of action to improve their current state of well-being. So, contrary to him, they drove old-beater cars, lived in a run-down neighborhood, with no prospects of escaping.
The pandemic has not brought my new friend despair or economic hardship. He used the “lockdown†restrictions to read, to discover new truths on how one can transform one’s own life and take action.
He’s uncovered one of the most powerful forces in human improvement – the power of goals!
During that call with our Live Business Academy members, I showed how writing down SMART goals, can literally improve your circumstances by a power of 100!
You can read and listen to an excerpt of that call by heading here:
Your job this week is to write down your goals for the year – if you haven’t yet and then spend some time creating a plan on how to achieve them.
To your health and prosperity,
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