Are You Bankrupt?
Daniel (Dan) Bloom SPHR, SSBB
Empowering the transition to strategic HR operations in business
?Delve into the news of the day and we see references from major corporations announcing they are cutting corporate headcounts. The problem is that they may be making a huge misjudgment in the long run. We need to from the beginning acknowledge that the nature of our human capital assets has dramatically changed.? They are no longer a liability on the profit and loss and statement. They are non-owned, leased corporate assets.
So here is an example for you. About a decade ago we heard about a Florida organization who decided that they needed to cut overhead. So, someone had he brilliant idea to offer early buy out to any employee with over 20 years longevity to the organization. Guess what? They all took the buyout offer. The results were they cut costs, but they also were out of business in six months. Why? Because they drained the organization of a large part of the organizational business knowledge resources.
Trust me I am not trying to delve into your personal affairs. What I am asking is your organization in financial trouble? I am asking for a reason unrelated to a full investigation of your organization’s finances. I am much more concerned with how you view your human capital assets. Are you allowing them to demonstrate pride of ownership of your processes?
Here is a given rule of the TLS continuum; unless your organization is filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 the TLS Continuum is not suggesting that you remove waste by cutting your overhead. What it is asking you to do is to review your organization and its processes and remove non-value-added activities. If you do this you will tend to have excess human capital assets, so the question becomes what do you do with the excess?
?Strategy #1: Change the organizational financial outlook
Instead of directing your energies towards only cutting costs, look to ways you can raise revenue. Find ways to do things better, cheaper and faster thus reducing the need to spend funds without an immediate return on that investment. Costs are not counted until the sale is consummated. Pick up a copy of Goldratt’s Critical Chain or The Goal and read about Throughput Accounting. It will pave a whole new way to look at your financial condition.
Strategy #2: Layoffs
You can do what many corporations do. Call the human capital assets in to your office and take the chance that you are making a mistake and say we are sorry, but we don’t need you anymore. So, as they exit so does the corporate knowledge bank. So do the skills and abilities that have served your organization well. You are cutting numbers for the mistaken belief that this is the way you reduce overhead. Unless you are in dire financial trouble, continuous process improvement is not the reason to trim overhead through staff reduction.
So, what do you do?
Strategy #3: Organizational Realignment
Conduct a Gemba Walk of your organization. Look for areas where human capital assets are doing one of two things. The first is look for areas where there is too much work going on and not enough staff to handle it. Run TAKT Time calculations or traffic intensity calculations to discover where you have work overload. The second is to look for the opposite conditions. During your walk look for areas where the workload is such that human capital assets are essentially sitting there twiddling their thumbs.
?Strategy#3: Retrain
Look at your organization, are every operation of the organization fully staffed? If not, why not take the excess human capital assets and retrain them to fill other vacancies within your organization. You practice resource allocation in other areas of the organization why not do it with your human capital assets.? Toyota has shown us the power of hiring on skills not job positions. Do the same for your organization.
Strategy#3: Educate
Identify the skills missing in your organization and help the human capital assets go back to school and get new knowledge in a different area of the organization that might resolve both your problems and theirs. You know the skills you need why not help someone to obtain those skills. Training can be less expensive than the cost of paying unemployment and finding a replacement later down the road.
So, I take you back to my initial question, are you bankrupt? If not, there is no excuse for lowering your headcount in order that you can maintain the return to the shareholders. What about the stakeholders, who are more important to the organization in the long run? Bottom line is that unless you can answer yes to the opening question there is no reason why you need to reduce your headcount. Be honest with yourself and the organization, can’t you use the soon to be departed skill somewhere else in the organization?
An invite: We have created a new showcase page on LinkedIn focused on our service package. Follow us to stay up to date on what we have available to meet your organizational needs.?
?An invite: We have created a new showcase page on LinkedIn focused on our training opportunities. Follow us to stay up to date on what we have available to meet your training needs.
An Invite: We have started a new group on LinkedIn. It is the TLS Continuum - The Human Connection. We want to start a conversation regarding how we get around the ASSUMPTION that our human capital assets understand the improvement process and how we can bring them into the game. No selling allowed, just open dialogue. Join the dialogue, invite your network to become involved.
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?Looking for the perfect model for improving your organizational processes? Order your copy of the TLS Continuum Field Guide - How the Theory of Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma will transform your operations and Program flow to be released in February of 2024
About the author: Daniel Bloom knows HR and Change Management. He’s a speaker on transformational HR, a strategic HR consultant and trainer. Thank you for subscribing to this newsletter.
The best strategy that I ever undertook was earning my SPHR and the Six Sigma Black Belt. You can take the same path with our Road to Operational Excellence - The Human Capital Edition
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