Are you an authentic leader?

Are you an authentic leader?

Are you an authentic leader?

What does it even mean?

You've probably heard the term before and may have an idea of what it means based on your own experiences but do you know how you can become more authentic in your leadership?

Bill George, who wrote ‘Authentic Leadership’ back in 2003 captures this as “People of the highest integrity, committed to building enduring organisations … who have a deep sense of purpose and are true to their core values who have the courage to build their companies to meet the needs of all their stakeholders.

For me, being authentic in your leadership approach is about having the confidence to show up as you are.?Authentic leadership is not about feeling the pressure to fit and change to suit the environment you are in. It’s about being the very best version of yourself you could possibly imagine. It’s about knowing what you want and being able to articulate that with credibility. It's also about an intimate understanding of yourself and being able to use that to build relationships that matter. It is not about blurting out the first thing that comes into your head without consideration to impact.?It’s not about being weak or being taken advantage of either. It is about being comfortable in your skin and using that to positively influence your business and drive success.

So, how can you develop this? Here are my thoughts:

Get clarity

Do you know what you want? How often do you make decisions and take action based on what is important to you? It’s not easy to do what serves you best when you lack clarity on your values, what matters and your purpose.?With clarity and curiosity, it’s easier to develop trust, find common ground and resolve conflict. Ever wondered why you get those feelings of anxiety creeping up on you in certain situations? Often it’s because you are walking away rather than toward what is core to who you are.

Step out of self-sabotage

How often do you hold yourself back? Our inner saboteurs have been with us since we were children.?They served the purpose, as we were growing, of keeping us safe from danger. As adults, we no longer need these saboteurs, but they have become ingrained.?They have such a grip it often becomes impossible to hear our voice of inner wisdom. It has become difficult for us to be mindful, to notice what is right for us and align with our purpose. The inner saboteur voice is the one that puts us down, fills us with self-doubt and creates a lack of self-belief.

Align with your purpose

When you know what matters it becomes possible to identify your purpose. For me, this is about having profound clarity on who I am, what I’m doing and where I’m going. A real sense of fulfilment comes from being aligned with purpose.?I like to think of this as having a North Star to guide me: a litmus test to live my life by. It’s common for me to ask myself ‘does this decision align with my purpose’ or ‘what could I do in my current situation that would better align with my purpose’.

Understand the power of choice

In any situation, you have a choice about how you see something. There is also always something to appreciate. How you view the world and how you look at yourself in it can have a significant influence on the personal impact you have on those around you. As a leader, it’s critical to master the power of choice.?What you say yes or no to goes hand in hand with the impact you have on those around you.

Get comfortable with uncomfortable

A senior leader once advised me that growth can sometimes be uncomfortable. Marissa Mayer was one of the first twenty employees at Google and the youngest woman to be included in Forbes '50 most powerful women’ list.?In her commencement address at Illinois Institute of Technology, Mayer said: “find the courage to do things you are not ready to do”.

Be resilient

When things go wrong and during change, we can experience self-doubt, stress, frustration and anxiety. When taking on new areas of responsibility or stretch assignments, it’s usual to feel daunted. As leaders, we must be resilient through change and uncertain times.

Develop your emotional intelligence

Unlike IQ which remains relatively flat beyond our formative years, you can increase Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Part of this is to self-manage, understand the environment around you and the influence you have on it.

Commit to action

To be authentic we must not only identify how we show up as our true selves, but we must also take action in alignment with that. How we think influences our behaviour and how we behave influences what we do. How we act ultimately determines our authenticity.

Would you add anything else?

And if you want to find out what your leadership style is, take my free quiz!


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