Are you attracting the wrong talent to apply for your executive roles?

Are you attracting the wrong talent to apply for your executive roles?

A vague position description makes for a vague advertisement, which often attracts people who think they are up for the task but are probably not.

Position descriptions outline criteria, which they may well meet, but they don’t outline expected results. Hence why we use a Performance Profile instead.

A Performance Profile allows you to write a much better advertisement. Most advertisements that I read for vacancies, whether they be on Seek or in LinkedIn, are written poorly. They are very loose on detail and sketchy in terms of what the role is actually being employed to do.

As a result, when prospective candidates read the advertisements, it's very difficult for them to get a clear awareness as to what the role is, what the deliverables are, etc, and to decide if it’s something that they're genuinely interested in applying for.

Consequently, good quality people often won’t apply and you end up getting the same old candidates who are typically applying for any old job because, based on the ad, they think that they can pretty much do anything in the market.

I talk more about performance profiles in this podcast episode.

PS. Here are a few resources to help you in finding your next role -

  1. Download a copy of my free book here.
  2. Follow the Arete Executive - Executive Search & Executive Career Coaching Linkedin page for further updates.
  3. Listen to my podcast episodes with many inspiring Senior Executives.


