Sometimes, when I am searchingfor inspiration, I take a look at the things being commemorated or celebrated on, or around, that day, that week, that month or even that year. So, I was delighted and intrigued to find that - unlike that passing reference to the celebrated comedy series, ‘Friends’ – today is Unfriend Day in the US.


As I’ve spent a seeming lifetime trying to talk to various utility and service companies this week - to the point I am exasperated and murderous in equal measure - the idea seemed so perfectly created for the anti-social side of my personality I thought I’d look into it a bit more. It turns out the day has been going for almost ten years and encourages people to go through their social media contacts to cull those people who are just taking up space and who were never really friends at all. Seems like a good idea to me - as long as you don’t delete APS.


I’ve heard it said that psychologists, relationship counsellors and those Marie Kondo organising freaks who espouse decluttering and minimalist living also advocate identifying those things that bring you joy. Hanging on to those. And ditching the dross. And I can see, in some abstract sort of way, that there will always be things and toxic relationships we could do with jettisoning. Easier said than done as I look around at an office rammed with memories – and some that are not even mine!


Seriously ‘though, the construction sector doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to dumping the damaging rubbish mounting up in its own workplace culture. There are definitely things we could clear out now: bullying; poor conditions on site; ordering people about when explanation and consensus would be more effective; payment terms that leave small business out of pocket for months on end. There’s more! But I believe we can all take steps to help now. And, perhaps, we should start by taking a long look at our own behaviours. There is really no reason we can’t be part of the solution and not just part of perpetuating a problem that discourages good people from choosing careers in the built environment and then pushes them out because the culture can be brutal and mean.


And if ever there was an industry in need of new blood it is construction. So, it is also appropriate that it turns out 17 November is also International Students’ day. The day has its origins in honouring students from Prague University who died in WWII. But it has grown to remind us how students – and young people in general – are the future. They have the ideas and energy to move us all on. And we ought all to be celebrating them and helping them take their first steps into the world of work.


I think it is no bad thing to use the day as a perfect opportunity to consider how we can make work in the built environment a career of choice for the brightest and best.


Certainly, attracting student members has always been a challenge for APS. And it is certainly the case that, traditionally - despite offering free membership, APS has never had a sizeable cohort of student members. ?I know one of the reasons is that APS members tend to be a bit more established in their careers when they go down the design risk management route. But that just means APS has more experience to share.


You may be in the position to do something for someone at the start of their work-life journey. Maybe you have some time to talk to students at your local university or higher education college. Perhaps you have it in you to be a mentor or your firm able to offer some work experience. If you have any ideas, or you feel you can help, please get in touch with Claire [[email protected]]. Claire has just joined the APS home team and one of the things she is looking at is the association’s student membership and how to give it a bit more oomph.


At the end of the working week we all could do with an energy boost.


When I was scratching about - like some demented hen - for something to say I noticed that today is also Take a Hike day. Initially, I thought it was just more information about weeding your Facebook account before your in-box overflows with cute cat videos, crafting demonstrations and adverts for river cruises down the Rhine. It’s not! Take a Hike day turns out to be a celebration of walking in the great outdoors – something I’m going to do over the weekend. I’m sure it will be much better for the soul than energy wasted on relationships where you keep giving and getting nothing back.


But I wouldn’t want you to take defriending too far. Especially when it comes to APS. You can follow us on whatever platform takes your fancy: ?Facebook; LinkedIn; X; YouTube; Instagram. And we’ll keep you up to date about the APS events and webinars you get as part of your membership.

There will always be time and space to take a look at what we all have to offer. It is almost certainly more than you first thought.



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