You Asked...I Finally Listened
You asked...
I have often heard from any number of you…
I have a great program for the seniors. How do I get?onto the Senior Center schedule?
I really want to help the seniors.
?I have a great service I want to share.
I can really help seniors, but they don’t know I’m out here.
How can I reach more people?
Senior Centers Directors and Programmers are always looking for new events and activities but often find it very difficult. Senior Centers are traditionally understaffed and in some the Director is the only paid staff. So, the many demands on their time are huge. Then with COVID, retirements and people changing jobs their contacts in the community have changed as well. In some cases, connections no longer exist. Their prior ways of networking and finding new programs are almost nonexistent.
And here you are in the community trying to figure out ways that you can promote your business and get your programming ideas in front of future clients and consumers.
Time is also a big issue for you. You’re often left wondering how you will get it all done plus develop new contacts and create those new events?
Well, all of this finally clicked! I got it! And I’m here to make it happen! ?I opened "Judy Jencks Consulting" to address these very issues. I’ll now work directly with you and the Senior Centers to make your events happen.
I will help you create connections. I’ll make introductions, get your event on their calendar and publish them on, in the newsletters, on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Now let’s get you in the door and on their schedule!.