You asked, and now our founder answers!??
Marker Video
Real Reels & Truthful TikToks, made with passion for brands and businesses.
We hope your week has been a productive, copy-fuelled one!??
Last week, we asked you to share your questions for our founder and CEO, Greta, and you didn’t disappoint!
From queries about the beginnings of Marker to the future and hopes for our community, Greta has shared her honest thoughts below.
For everything you’ve wanted to know, keep reading!??
Q1: What do writers stand to profit from using your platform?
When writing for Marker, your words get published on a platform that has almost 400,000 views a month. Your name, your bio, and your hard work are being seen by a whole host of hungry buyers who need content. ?
When designing the business, my main goal was to make writers money
Having just launched last year, we are still at the starting line of building a marketplace with this kind of potential. Believe me when I say that we plan on this being a great money-maker for our entire community.
Q2: How did you set up Marker, and what drove you to do so?
I had the idea for Marker in 2018 when I saw how much valuable content published online wasn't being seen, much less monetized.
I knew these writers were experts, and so wanted to build something that exposed them to buyers who needed their words and wisdom. The first thing I did was download a free business plan template
Next, I applied for accelerator programs
Q3: What is your ultimate goal for Marker?
The ultimate goal has always been for all of our writers to sell content weekly and make a steady income from the platform.
We want to become a globally recognized brand like Shutterstock and for businesses never to worry about their content again because they have Marker.
Q4: How does Marker attract buyers in the age of running to ChatGPT for everything?
ChatGPT has rocked the entire world, and content is just one part of that.
We, as a business, are all too aware of its abilities but have total faith in the value that real humans bring.
An educated perspective
Q5: I have an issue with the payment method because PayPal is not available in my country; help!
It frustrates us that PayPal is not available in many countries right now.
We initially tried to pay our contributors through Stripe, but after many months of work, this ultimately wasn't possible. Right now, PayPal is our only option for payment, but we encourage you to reach out to PayPal and challenge them on this issue.
Q6: I want to focus on the quality of articles, but am conflicted between quality and quantity. What's the best way to approach this based on current sales?
For us, quality will always win over volume, now more than ever.
In a world where you can generate an article in seconds for free, you will need to stand out as a writer. You can do this by including things that robots can't, such as new ideas, strong opinions, a lived experience or an educated perspective.
We all have a unique voice
Remember, if you still haven’t found the answers you’re looking for, then visit our FAQs page here, or reach out to [email protected]
Thanks for reading and for your ongoing support. Myself and the team truly appreciate each and every one of you.