You are 'Appreciated'always
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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When someone says that to you, how do you actually react? With a smile, a hug or just wave of hand? You are always appreciated by people known to you and I learnt this fact early on, and I have applied it many times with people in my life, especially with my family and children, loved ones, employees, or anybody who merits a “heads up!” Many think the best sign of appreciation is something valuable or physical which can be read as cash, chocolates, a toy, a bonus, or some other physical gift.
My take on this is completely different. You maybe can also give a physical token of appreciation, but what is really and truly best received, is your most sincere, honest and frank expression of gratitude and/or recognition. I learnt this through myself. I recall to this day any and all recognitions, congratulations, heads up, gratitude and kudos given to me by my parents, friends, bosses, and whoever ever expressed one of these to my person, either personally or in public and funnily both were equally gratifying!.
Additionally every time this has happened, it gave me lot of energy. desire to give more, and a profound conviction of value that helped me enormously when coming upon harder times. The gratification I felt at these recognitions gave me worth, self value and a sense of being a valuable piece in the overall structure of things. I have also received bonuses and other benefits, from my employer without asking, but to be honest, today I can’t recall many of them, except when they were given with the accompanying recognition, go figure!
Therefore one feels very good of course, and it’s so easy to do! Just do so when the person merits it except we all know when somebody fakes it!, do it honestly and if possible give them a pat on the back or a shake of the hand when telling them, this kind of clinches it! Always find a way to help people, be a good friend, and stand up for what is right. If you are already doing that and you just feel like no one appreciates you for it, focus on the good things you've gotten out of it. Sometimes people are unappreciative, and they don't realize it. They don't even say thank you, they don't help you in return. So to feel appreciated you just have to believe that you are doing something right and appreciate yourself and what you are doing to help yourself.
Let us take an example from corporate world. There is an editorial assistant called Janaki. Her performance evaluations always indicated that she was an outstanding manager, according to her supervisor. Lately, however, she had been taking twice as long to do ordinary simple tasks. She looked and acted sluggish. Here were rumors that she had a drinking problem. Keshav, her supervisor, did not quite know how to breach this touchy subject with her, but after several months of low productivity, he decided to confront her. “Janki,” he began, feeling a dry lump in the back of his throat, “you know, your work has not bee very good lately. I am sorry to say that.” Janki however agreed with him, and showed no resistance to his words, so he continued, after a hard swallow. “Janki, I don’t know how to say this, but it’s been rumoured you have a personal problem on your mind. Is it true?” “Yes,” she replied in a soft tone, her eyes to the floor. Keshav was not quite sure what to say next. “Well, would you like to get involved more in our company's rehab program coming up next month?” Janki looked up and gave him an enthusiastic “yes, Sir!”
Again, Keshav was somewhat stunned by her quick response. He was curious to know more. “I’m a little surprised by your willingness to seek rehabilitation. But tell me one thing. Since you appear to be very eager to get help, why didn’t you just go to the company’s rehab program on your own?” But Janki's dry reply made him stop and think. “Well, I just didn’t think that anyone cared,” she said. She was so sincere so far and now she had just needed some concern and some praise from her superior to make her feel good. This shows the power of praise. Praise can work miracles. One good word on your tongue makes the person opposite smile and get motivated. Therefore never let those words stop in your mouth but say "well done!" to your people, your kids or your neighbours. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit #ks1000articles